Hello and Welcome to
My Little Paradise


I'm a License Medic, Love working in EMS, Animal Lover, Mother of 4 Children
Boys 32 and 28yrs old, Youngest son in the ARMY now 11yrs
Girls 20 and 15yrs old, Oldest in the ARMY 1yr
Dogs: Boxer, Lab, Heinz 57, Rat Terrier, 3 chihuahuas
Parrots: Blue and Gold Macaw, 2 Africian Greys, Goffin Cuckotoo
Cats: 3 Domestic
8 Hens: Splash Maran, Blue Maran, 2 EE's, 3 RIRs,? Maran and 1 Roo: Leghorn Big Daddy
11 Buff orps and 1 Cuckoo Maran, new hatch Aug.7,09
DH had this idea, that we should have fresh eggs. I kept saying no, not sure. Well after some weeks I finally gave in, and we bought our babies March 09 at
3 days of age. Believe it or not, we kept them in our spare bathroom, how bad could it be, they were little.
They sure grew quick!!! So we had what we call Trash fencing, which is after
Hurricane Ike hit us in Sept. 08 we collected around town and saved, decided to put it to some use and made a coop and used a dog kennel that we weren't using.
So out the babies went, and that was the start of ......

Now I have a Main Coop, an Emergency coop, and Another Mini new coop. And the Maddness continues, Im
I guess it didn't help that I ended up with some Gorgeous Hens and a Handsome Roo!!

Ok I have to figure out the HTML for this page to add pictures and such....
Thanks for stopping in​