I'm Angie and I wanted to tell you about my girls. We decided this year to have a flock of Chickens and turn our little 1 acre back yard into a mini farm. It's a work in progress, as we start with a garden and chickens next spring we hope to add a bee hive. Any way we built our coop out of free lumber and supplies here's what it looks like.

Then we bought 5 black sexlink hens from the feed store.

Cute right they grew and grew and now we only have 4 of them left:( sadly a hawk took one of them who knew there would be hawks in the city. After this sad event we hawk proofed their pen by sringing fishing line over it like a spider web and hanging cd's and placing a owl decoy there it seems to have worked. We also bought 2 more birds here they are.

CC and the 4 sisters Lucy, Bell, Lilly, and bertha I don't know what kind of bird CC is but I though she was pretty and she is laying brown eggs she is about 8 months old the sisters are 4 month old in this pic.

And Red I think she's a Rhode Island red not sure she is 6 mouths old and not laying yet. The big guy in the back is our German Shepard Shepp he and miss Lucy had and encounter when first brought them home but now they stay clear of each other. So anyway these are our girls. When I was a girl I grew up on 2 100 acre farms my dad's place we had pigs, ducks, beef cows, horses and hunting dogs, we also raised rabbits, not for Easter for dinner. On my grandparents farm we had chickens tons of them, pigs and a milk cow and a mule. So I knew a little about raising chicks. But not near as much as my granny did. So We are embarking on a new journey to bring farm life to a urban back yard. And to become more self sufficient. Wish us luck! Below are some random pics of chicks grandson and garden enjoy!