Hello there :) My name is Sarah McLaughlin, ( not the singer it is spelled differently )
To be honest I am really awesome hahahahahaha just kidding! I live in southern California and I love it! My favorite cousin is Ducklover 179 and she is like awesome!:) If you mess with her you mess with mee. I can be really nice once you get to know me soo feel free to PM meeee. Trust me you will want to be my friend hahahah jk..:) I am 13 and I just got out of 7th grade. I pretty much get good grades so if you call me dumb or stupid well thats just plain stupid haha. I like to joke around alot and have fun. My favorite color is bluee! I dont like people who are fake, and rude. I got 10 animals, 3 dogs, 4cats ( 1 cat is expecting) , 2 ducks, and 1 bunny. I love them all, they are my world(:) soo yeah as you can see I AM AN ANIMAL LOVER!!!!