Excellent article. I do have one concern that you did not mention. I use two heat lamps in my brooder setup because I can see if the light is on and warming the chicks. I know many people are now using the "safer" mama pad heaters and tents for their brooders. But if you read some negative reviews, the heating pad can fail at night and in the morning all your chicks would be dead and frozen where I live. You can't see what is going on underneath those heating pad and brooder tent setups. I have successfully used the same heat lamps for over 30 years, with 2 or more ways to prevent the bulb from falling into the brooder and potentially causing a fire. For those of us in cold country, you need a backup heat source to ensure the chicks have a warm place to run to. I like looking into my brooder and seeing how the chicks are doing under the heat lights, and when to raise or lower them as appropriate based on the chicks' behavior.