Reviews by Lavender Mum

Perris you've done it again! The information you give and the time you dedicate to this is incredible. My 11 chicks have been on a homemade feed since hatching and I 100% agree with everything you are talking about.
-I highly suggest anyone reading this to try out Perris' method. Trust your birds instincts, do not trust the commercial feed industry.
-None of my chicks have ever had pasty butt
-They currently eat a mix of fine cracked corn, barley, sunflower seed and quinoa.
-My chickens do not like lentils, wheat or peas.
-I feed them sardines a few times a month and they go wild for it!
-I throw the birds our extra berries, chopped meat (cooked) and broccoli (there favorite)
-I have played around with my feed recipe and tweaked it based on what my chickens liked and what they left out
-I've let them forage on their own (with me watching closely and standing by lol) since 3 weeks old. Before going outside, I grabbed dirt and mixed a small amount into their food to get their gut used to what they would be eating.
- They eat my feed mix fermented or dry.
-I buy all my ingredients right in my local super market.
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Thank you very much for your feedback; I'm delighted to hear it's working out for you too.
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