DIY Mice Deterrent Pouches

Hi, thank you for this informative article. I was going to buy a treadle feeder, but am reading on BYC that mice manage to open them. So I found your article, and ordered the bags, ground corn cobs and the cinnamon chips. I have the ground cloves, cayenne pepper and peppermint oil. So for less than the price of 12 of those bags, I can make multiple bags. Thank you so much! Two questions, do you place them on the ground? They do not bother the chickens?
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Very informative article! I would like to try this! Very easy to read and simple to understand. The added links were also very helpful.
Thank you so much, Lacy!
I really like this article. I think I get ahead of the mice, only to find a few days later I have not. I thought I knew all of the deterrents but learned I have not and will be using some of the suggestions in this article. Thank you for the research and writing.
Thank you, Tricia!
Great article, Debby. It has simple and easy to follow directions. The list of ingredients seems to consist of easy to find products.
Thank you, Janie!
Thanks for posting this. Clearly written and a good idea.
I have used old fashioned mothballs with some success. I hadn’t thought of making little bags - I might try that. Also, I bet your concoction smells way better than mothballs!
One thing I have found is that the smell needs to be quite strong to keep them away.
Thank you! They do need to be replaced every few months as we just had. Yesterday for the first time I saw a mouse come running from the garden shed through the attached coop and out the chicken door. Hubby said they're evacuating from the loft as he heard them up there, and I just gave them a way out. Maybe they work too good lol.
Well written article. And very helpful too, I'll keep this one in mind for future reference.
Thank you!
Excellent article, I've used scents to deter rodents and they definitely help! I will have to give these pouches a try!
Thank you! They are all we use besides cats here.
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