How We Built Our Run and Coop

This thing about snakes in or around the hen house. I heard that placing moth balls around an area (on the outside of pen), that you want to be snake free, actually deters the snakes, they can't stand moth balls. Not sure how far apart they need to be. We don't have a snake problem on our farm so we haven't tried them out.

Love your articles! Very informative and helpful!
Thanks! And I know the rooster would likely kill a snake, but with the whole coop floor covered with chicken wire, under the sand and leaves, I doubt if one could get in. Snakes want the eggs but we get them every day, too.
Awesome coop with lots of information!
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Excellent read! Lots of info!
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Thank you!
This was great! It's always nice to share info.
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Thank you!
Are you sure you didn't use 1/2" hardware cloth?
Beware that the chicken wire isn't predator proof...some small animals can squeeze right through it.
1/2 inch hardware cloth covering the whole thing would protect the birds a lot more and keep out rats and mice which carry disease.
Yup! You're right! My husband just corrected me, too. 😬
I'm a dork. Lol!
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