Lazy man's coop & run maintenance and composting

I have a similar method of piling things in the run. I don't add bedding and poop to the run though, just grass clippings, leaves and other yard waste (weeds, garden trimmings, etc.). I have compost bins for the poop and bedding along as well as some of the other yard waste that I add there instead of the run. When you clean out the run to add compost to the garden or other plants do you pile it first for a few weeks or even months to cook off the excess nitrogen?
I will be wrapping up the vegetable garden soon. It is a raised bed and I will be adding a layer this fall. I will just put a heavy layer of compost including new chicken poops. Then cover it all with straw from the Halloween decorations. By the spring the garden will be ready for plants. So no, I don't move out of the run to a mid station pile. So far vegetables and plants have thrived.
Nice to get some added use out of leaves, straw, lawn clippings, etc. Your garden must look good!
This is my kinda DIY! Easy, inexpensive and not too far away to haul the bedding. Now if we could only just make it easier to haul away the compost ...
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