Making the Tough Calls - Difficult but Essential

A very well written and honest article!
Thank you for sharing your story. Pets teach us so much - about themselves and about ourselves. You have had to make difficult decisions, and they were all made with love.
Great story and very directive
This is a heartwarming story, although a little sad at the end. I am at the beginning of my chicken journey, and I am learning the ropes through experience also. I don’t know how many years I will have, as I have come late to the table, but I am glad I have started.
Beautiful story...tugs at heart strings
The right choice is sometimes rough. You did well to care for them as long as you did, then you re-homed them. What a good chicken mamma.
You made the right decision. As this is my first season for chickens and ducks, I now understand how us "feathered flock" owners fall in love with our critters!
Your story brought me to tears but good ones because your story is so wonderful and loving. Sorry you have health issues but you know your chickens still have a good life and you can concentrate on taking care of yourself. Blessings!
Difficult decisions but definitely the right one. They do deserve the best and you have given that to them. Not an easy decision but one that shows your compassion for your little feathered friends.
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you brought me to tears
we will all come to this point at sometime some of us sooner than others, but I do agree it's not a matter of not caring about your chickens you make that call when it's time, we invest time, effort and money into our babies and only want the best for them, but sometimes circumstances beyond our control dictate it's time for them to be moved on. When that time comes for me personally I can still be at least a good resource in teaching others about these amazing birds we've come to love and a new generation of keepers are born.
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945201B8-E33E-498F-A242-16251ADD5059.png 08158AC6-ABA1-4758-B595-BD3BE46096A9.png This is a beautiful and sad story.. There is a hen and 13 baby chicks in my yard and the neighbors. Never thought about chickens but I love these chickens.. they always make me smile.. hope you get more soon .. these


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So touching and so brave of you to make decisions that were best for your chickens and not just what's best for you. I don't look forward to the day I can no longer have my chickens. I can't imagine it. However, they are a retirement activity for me, so it's just a matter of time. In the meantime, I will be out there every day talking to my girls and thanking them for every egg. They are such a joy.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article and for your kind words. Ken only has three more months in his position of Grand Master of Wyoming Masons and then our time will be more our own. So we are contemplating getting a small flock started up again when he’s finished, probably no more than 5 or 6 birds. Fortunately I know the pitfalls of Chicken Math and will never fall into that trap again. Yet I know there’ll never be another Agatha or a Tank. That makes me a little sad.
We folks who are new at keeping chickens really appreciate others who pass on the3se extra bits of information.
Thank you.
So do I! It's odd how much I still learn when I start reading....the learning just never stops! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!
This is the second time I've come across this article. I loved it just as much as the first. Heartbreak and inspiration on the same page, kudos to you for doing what you knew was right. I'll probably read it again next year.
Thank you so much. There are a couple of articles that I do that with too - I might be searching for something else and a link to a familiar article pops up. So I read it again, and it hits home just as much as it did the first time! Funny how that works out!
It also made me think. I’ve not got my chickens yet, but reading your loving choice makes me ponder the years ahead. I’m healthy now but one day may not be and I want to know going into this that first and foremost I will make choices that are best for my chickens welfare. Thank you for a great article.
I have total faith in you! Sounds like you are going into this whoe wonderful adventure with both eyes wide open, and I think that's the key! And I'm happy to announce that a new chick order has been placed for delivery in May. This time there won't be more chickens than I can handle, and our travel schedule will have slowed down tremendously by then. Thank you for reading and commenting.
Oh Blooie
You are so full of courage! I know you'll miss them. I've enjoyed reading about and meeting you on your journey and I hope you'll still spend time with us here on BYC. Sending hugs!
Didn’t feel brave at the time! LOL It felt like rehoming them was dumping my responsibilities on someone else and taking the coward’s way out when things were getting tough. Thanks!
I’m in tears...hits home. I never knew I could care about chickens ....much less, fall in love with them!! (‘Scuse me...I feel the need to go hug my 3 precious ones right now!!) Great Article!!!
Thanks so much! And hug'll be surprised at how long that memory can sustain you if you ever have to let them go! I didn't have "lap chickens" or super affectionate either for that matter, but they did enjoy an occasional pick-up and lots of petting! Well, except for needy old Tank. That goofy chicken loved to sit on Kendra's lap when she was outside in her wheelchair and go for rides. LOL
As another reviewer stated, I also felt your emotion through your words. Great essay, and thank you for sharing the "real" with us.
And thank you for taking the time to read it and comment. I guess sometimes I'm not sure how "real" it is not to have them anymore. My posts in threads still tend to be an odd mix of past tense and present tense, as if part of my brain still believes they are out there and I'm still doing things with them. LOL
Never gave it any thought but so true.....
It is something we don't think about because we seem to think that we're invincible and we'll always be right where we are right now. But life doesn't stand still. Thanks for your review.
Very well written. I felt every emotion with you as you told your story! I’m happy you had the chance to learn so much with your chickens and were able to make that necessary hard decision when you knew the time had come.
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Thank you. I enjoyed having them so much.
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