I will say when it comes to buying chicks I like to do my research. So for people like me or people who are just interested, here is my review on meyer hatchery

Now here are some of the great things about meyer first off when you go to buy the chicks they have a large verity including some rare breeds and the next thing you will notice us that it is very organized 🐣 all the breeds they have are put in sections so it is easy to find the right breed for you before you diside on the chick and pay you can read about the breeds pros and cons that way you can be sure before you buy. Then when you have purchased you will look at the price and I can tell you you might be shocked because some breeds like rir aka rhode island reds are only 3 dollars so it's pretty cheap 🙂 and after that the device is awsome so it's a nice experience 🙃

Now there are cons but there aren't many from me. As with most shipping hatchery's there can be shipping problems and chick problems other than that though there an awsome place