Ms Biddy's Cattle Panel Hoop Coop

I have built coops but my runs have always been the hoop coops. The only thing I’ve discovered is that even pressure treated wood rots on the ground. Since I have to replace the wood & my runs are stationary, I will put my runs on blocks. I’ve also used tarps to keep my birds dry, but have thought about the corrugated panels & wasn’t sure I had figured out how to apply them. Now after seeing your pictures, my plan was correct. Great job! Also a money saver!
This seems great! Nice coop, big run.
Wow, very nice design, you put a lot of work into this! Lots of photos and details on how you build. Very well done!
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My husband is basing his design on this type of coop. The hog fencing is perfect for creating this dome look.
Question: how many chickens do you have in there? Think 15 is too many?
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Ms Biddy
Ms Biddy
Those panels are useful for all types of projects! Yes, I think 15 is probably too many. The most we usually have is 8-10 and they have access to the outdoor enclosure. We have had to add more roosting space than what you see in the photos, so remember to include that in your design if you plan to have more than 6. Good luck with your project
Very nice, similar to ours, but we used white tarp to cover. We recently were having condinsation issue which we solved with 1/2" bubble wrap sandwiched between cattle panels and tarp. We do have a 4x6 coop attached, so this area is their covered run.
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I love it! my coop is extremely small for my hens, and i will consider this extremely!
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I see you have the laying box's. I was wondering if you have any ideas to incorporate a hen house for broilers?
We built two of these and love them! One with metal roofing and the second with clear plastic roofing to bring in extra heat over the winter. I recommend them all the time. We put wheels on it and, although heavy, we can walk it around to new grass regularly and the birds love it.
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For a small flock this is great. Fresh green when the other gets low. Lots of bugs etc..
I think maybe making it another 50" roll longer would increase the feed area.
But its a choice. Good for a state that doesn't have a lot of cold climate.
Very well thought out. And as usual other ideas show after its built. :)
This is a lovely coop! Big, aesthetically pleasing, and very functional!
Really enjoyed reading about the building of your lovely coop. The pictures were very helpful in helping to understand how everything went together. The whole thing is very professional looking. Even the overall rustic look is professional looking.
Thanks for including the process pictures.
Ms Biddy
Ms Biddy
Please don't fix the typo because it's kind of hilarious At least I hope it's a typo!! Thank you for reading the article!
I have a hoop run constructed hastily last Fall when we acquired our flock!
We had quite a few ranch panels (4'H x 16'L) per panel and these would have to attach to a repurposed 10x10x6 dog kennel now coop!
We stood up the panels the full 16ft on both sides of the coop and then bowed three panels and attached them to the 'walls' apex metal roof we'd constructed over the dog kennel. I truly WISH I'd seen your post right before we constructed this. SO many ideas!! We don't have a center roof support, but we do have two posts securing the panels within the run. The run is mainly covered with tarps and looks like a covered wagon..... And that's got to change!! I have no idea how we'd put the metal roof on mine but I'll definitely be working on a plan to do this. And on the sides to.
Your coop is amazing and DEFINITELY an inspiration/motivation to get mine looking pretty and not like a shed gone wrong!
Thank you so much. By summer there will be major changes in mine! Mainly to get rid of the tarps!!!


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Ms Biddy
Ms Biddy
Repurposing can be challenging but is worth it in the end. I'm so happy our coop is getting your wheels turning. Best of luck!
Good article showing how a cattle panel hoop coop was built.
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Very good:clap
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