Nest Boxes; why do we make a sitting hens job so difficult?

Excellent article Shadrach! I have a Buff Orpington that is a regular broody, and I have felt so bad for her, seeing her legs all splayed. She loses circulation I suppose and as she struggles to get up sometimes I see her fall back down & she is notorious for breaking an egg or three over the 3 weeks she sits. After reading your article, I am sure this is the cause, and now I have a few ideas about how to make my ladies more comfortable. Thank you!
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Good idea to compare a chicken that is brooding in a natural situation with the artificial setup of a coop with nestboxes.
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This is a very informative article. Making sure that the broody has control over her environment seems like it would make her more comfortable and lead to a more successful hatch and I really like the idea of using natural materials.
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Great informative article! I am guilty of giving broodies flat surfaces (plastic dog crates) to incubate their eggs in. Early on when lots of hens began to go broody, I did notice the plastic bottom was too slick for them to keep their legs from splaying out to the side, so I started putting rectangular, low-sided cardboard boxes inside the plastic crates to decrease the nest size. This has worked sufficiently, but the surface is still flat, and your way seems so much better. Especially since my soil is very sandy, and so very easy for a hen to make a perfect nest area. Broodies are nearly done hatching this year, but next year I will let them do it your way!
very helpful
Useful information as I work on my new coop and the intended built-in broody facility.
A broody coop with access to natural ground proved to be a great asset.
So interesting. If you keep your birds at the balcony in cardboard boxes with sand and wood savings as a nest, with no garden, would a luffa sponge buried in a pot with grass allowed to grow on it, could be used as a base ground? Or their nails will be tangled?
I have no idea. It's worth a try. Proper soil is very hard to beat.
Fascinating, pertinent information, lovely writing. A pleasure to read.
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Thank you for reading and rating the article.
My flock has no rooster and I am unlikely to ever have a hen incubate eggs. That doesn't mean I am not curious about the subject, especially after reading various hatch-a-long threads and discovering that incubator success rate is a lot lower than I'd realized.

Thank you for this article Shadrach. It really illustrates that natural is best and satisfies my curiosity.
The hatch rate failure using an incubator is an interesting subject.
Very interesting i think I'll have to give this a try in the future!
I wondered if you had tried anything out?
Just binge read all of your articles. Gave me so much to think much new information! Thank you!
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That's some binge read ;) Thank you for reading them.
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Thank you for reading the article.
Very nice work @shadrach.
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Thank you. You might also like this. I've read you commenting on something similar a while ago.
Great read
I'm pleased you enjoyed the article.
Thank for reading the article.
Great observations and very well written! I especially appreciated the focus on natural behavior, and using it to improve keeping techniques.
I too would be interested in reading your book. What topics will you cover?
I'm pleased you found the article interesting.
The book is a bit strange as chicken books go. It's base around the life stories of the chickens here and covers behavior rather than 'how to'.
There are some of the stories here:
Will be earmarked for the future, when I find a Roo to breed my hens.
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I've got just the rooster for the job.
Thanks for reading the article.
The 'bowl' shaped nest - a basic and frequently overlooked reality. Well observed and written.
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Thanks for reading the article. For many I expect this type of nest isn't practicable but I found it interesting to observe what the hens preferred given a choice.
Thanks, Shadrack! This article has prompted me to change the design of my nest boxes when I do my shed to coop conversion this spring. Anything to make my chickens lives more natural and enjoyable.
Hello DobieLover.
I'm pleased you liked the article. I
Thanks for a great article! As a newbie, I was wondering what the best nesting materials were. Your observations and conclusions make very good sense. I really appreciate you taking the time and sharing this information. I just put together a nestbox condo - 3 in a row - built with plywood. I think I’ll find some shallow containers (maybe dish pans) to fill with a piece of sod a few inches thick, and put one of these in each box. Mahalo for all your help!
Thanks for reading the article. Good luck with the pan and clod of earth idea.
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