Sex Linked Chickens for Beginners, What they are and how to breed them.

Thank you! Now I understand
Love the article! Exactly what I was looking for. I too had a hard time seeing all the pictures. We found Welbars a few years back at TSC. They are some of our best chickens. Haven't found them since.


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Great informative read. Th
Wow, what a well researched article, thank you for this in depth information.

Another autosexing breed that is now available in the US is the Bielefelder, known as the German uber chicken. I've read this is a very docile dual purpose breed, large, early to lay, and a surprisingly productive layer considering their very large egg size. Hens are very prone to being bullied by the more assertive breeds, so not for all combined flocks.
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Great article! Though some of the pictures need to be fixed.
thank you so much for making this thread!
I loved how you described each and everything so detailed, whilst it still made sense.
Great article. Loved all the descriptions of the various types.
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Too bad not all of the photos came through.
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