Shadrach's must read articles.

This is a list of links to articles on BYC and elsewhere that the author has found interesting and enjoyable, and indeed, regards them as 'must reads'. He is very knowledgeable about chickens, so my expectations for them were high, and I have not been disappointed. I already knew and liked a few of the linked articles, and now I have sampled a few of those I didn't know before, I too find them interesting, informative and enjoyable, so I am grateful for being alerted to their existence. I look forward to working my way through the rest of the items listed.
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Great articles with valuable info. Wonder if anyone's started a list of remedies for illness, meds & it's uses ...
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From what I’ve read so far TwoCrows and Casportpony have most common illnesses covered between them.
I’m pleased you like the list. There are so many articles and these are just the ones I’ve found to be most useful.
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So, who do we talk to about getting a bookmark feature? That's a GREAT idea!
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