Thinking of building your very own Hoop Coop but don't know where to start? Well, you're at the right place because we've selected 10 top-rated Hoop Coops to give you some inspiration. Hoop Coops are basically big movable (sometimes permanent) semi-circular cattle-panel frames attached to a wooden frame on the ground.

Often floorless, the Hoop Coop offers many advantages. They're easy to build, easy to enlarge, you can walk in and stand up, they offer plenty of ventilation, and, for their size, they tend to be less expensive than all-wood coops. Another plus is that they can be covered with a tarp or similar material in cold weather for some insulation.

Below are 10 Hoop Coops as designed by our members from which we hope you'll find some inspiration:

Ms Biddy's Cattle Panel Hoop Coop

Credit: @Ms Biddy

Aart's Hoop Coop / Chicken Tractor

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Credit: @aart

Mo's Cattle Panel Hoop Coops

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Credit: @Molpet

Permanent Hoop Coop

Credit: @Chook-A-Holic

Hoop Tractor

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Credit: @dheltzel

Pyxis' Hoop Coop

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Credit: @Pyxis

Dutch Hollow Hoop Coop

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Credit: @lklik

3 B's Chicken Shack

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Credit: @blwells45

Compost-Included Deep Litter Hoop Coop

Credit: @knightwriter

The Biddie Bordello - A Hoop Coop/Run Combo

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Credit: @lpyrbby

These are just 10 Hoop Coops in our extensive Chicken Coops Index. Which one is your favorite and why? Let us know in the comments!

We are constantly adding new pages to our index, so if you are building or have built an unusual or perfectly ordinary coop, we'd love to see it! See here for details.

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