Gordie's Chicken List Black and Blue Orps UPDATES!

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Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Land of Lincoln
Folks, be ready to be on his waiting list and be reasonable on his response since sometimes he can not be on the computer all the time and a very busy man. Prices CAN change at anytime so email him for updates. I have bought several of his birds and hatching eggs and they were better quality than the hatchery bred birds.

Here is his list!

2008 Poultry List
Exhibition and Rare Breeds
For Day Old Chicks and Hatching Eggs

American Breeds:

R. C. Rhode Island Reds
New Hampshire Reds R. C. Rhode Island White
White Plymouth Rock Blue Plymouth Rocks
Silver Lace Wyandotte Blue Lace Red Wyandotte
Barred Plymouth Rock White Wyandotte
Mottled Java Golden Lace Wyandotte

This Group $3.00 Each for Chick
$1.25 each for Egg

English Breeds:

Speckled Sussex Black Australorp Blue and Black Orpington
Light Sussex * This Group $3.00 Each for Chick
$1.25 Each for Egg

Mediterranean Breeds:

S. C. or R. C. White Leghorn S. C. Ancona
S. C. Light Brown Leghorn S. C. or R. C. Black Minorca
S. C. or R. C. Black Leghorn S. C. Dark Brown Leghorn
S.C.or R. C. Silver Leghorn Blue Andalusian

This Group $3.00 Each for Chick
$1.25 Each for Egg

Oriental Breeds:

Black or Blue Sumatra Silver Duckwing Phoenix
Ornigadori Phoenix (Long Tails)
These Two $3.00 Each for Chick
$1.25 Each for Egg
Shamo (Various Colors)
These Two $5.00 Each for Chick
$2.00 Each for Eggs

Asiatic Breeds:
Black Cochin Blue Cochin
Partridge Cochin White Langshan
This Group $3.00 Each for Chick
$1.25 Each for Eggs

Continental Breeds:
Cuckoo Marran (Dark Eggs) Welsummer (Dark Eggs)
White Crest Black or Blue Polish Russian Orloft*
Black Penedesenca (Dark Eggs) Cream Brabanter
Norwegian Jarhon White Rumpless Araucana ( green eggs
Colored Araucana ( green eggs ) Americana ( green eggs )
This Group $3.00 Each for Chick
$1.25 Each for Egg

Bantam Breeds:
Rumpless Araucana * Buckeye
White Silkie Partridge Silkie*
Salmon Faverolle Black Breasted Red Old English Game
Crele Old English Game S. C. Light Brown Leghorn
Americana (Green Eggs) Red Cochin Frizzle
S. C. or R. C. White Leghorn S. C. or R. C. Rhode Island Red
Golden Frizzle Polish Frizzle Cochin (Assorted Colors)
Silver Laced Wyandotte*
This Group $3.00 Each for Chick
$1.25 Each for Egg

Gray Call*
These are $5.00 Each for Duckling
$2.50 Each for Egg
White Runner Black Cayuga
White Pekin Rouen
Fawn and White Runner Mallard
Black , Blue Chocolate Muscovy
These are $3.50 Each for Duckling
$2.00 Each for Egg
Giant Dewlap Gray Toulouse*
These are $25.00 Each for Gosling

Gray Brown Chinese
These are $8.00 Each Gosling

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Thanks! I emailed him too!

These pictures are the example I got his hatching eggs and birds:

Blue Orp flock....I own the rooster in the lot, Gordie got the hens.


This is his Blue Rock flock:

This is the product I got from his Blue Rock flock and I just recently lost her:

Two blue Rock pullets I had:

One of the Welsummer pullet I sold to a friend and will be getting her back this spring:
I live within driving distance of him-who knows I may have met him at a swap meet

Do you know if he is going to that swap meet on March 29 at the neillesville fairgrounds? can you ask him?
If I remember correctly, I think his number policy is probably more than twenty chicks...you will have to email him.

I have no idea if he does go to swaps....he has not mention any of the emails he sent me.

I am certain if you ask some folks at the swaps to see if he does attend there, all for the better!
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