Okies in the BYC The Original

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Send an email to Paypal that has all of the emails from you and the buyer - cut and pasted into one email. It shows a good paper trail where you tried to communicate with the buyer. It also shows that you tried to take the high road on this one and that the buyer was defensive and uncooperative from the beginning.
You might also mention that the reason you requested pictures of your markings is because the pictures you received appear to have a punch into one location of the shell on multiple eggs. Describe the way you package the eggs and point out that the damage appears inconsistent with the packaging, even with a damaged box.
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Send an email to Paypal that has all of the emails from you and the buyer - cut and pasted into one email. It shows a good paper trail where you tried to communicate with the buyer. It also shows that you tried to take the high road on this one and that the buyer was defensive and uncooperative from the beginning.
You might also mention that the reason you requested pictures of your markings is because the pictures you received appear to have a punch into one location of the shell on multiple eggs. Describe the way you package the eggs and point out that the damage appears inconsistent with the packaging, even with a damaged box.

Thanks for all the advice,

Unfortunately, paypal only gave me a limited amount of characters in a box to respond (I wonder why ???) and that's why I only had a short reply. I'm hoping that I'll eventually be able to provide more information to defend myself.
Send an email to Paypal that has all of the emails from you and the buyer - cut and pasted into one email. It shows a good paper trail where you tried to communicate with the buyer. It also shows that you tried to take the high road on this one and that the buyer was defensive and uncooperative from the beginning.
You might also mention that the reason you requested pictures of your markings is because the pictures you received appear to have a punch into one location of the shell on multiple eggs. Describe the way you package the eggs and point out that the damage appears inconsistent with the packaging, even with a damaged box.

Thanks for all the advice,

Unfortunately, paypal only gave me a limited amount of characters in a box to respond (I wonder why ???) and that's why I only had a short reply. I'm hoping that I'll eventually be able to provide more information to defend myself.

Giving a limited amount of space to reply, prevents someone from going off on a tangent and forces a clinical description that highlights the important details. Effective for the reviewer but frustrating for those who want to give more than a minimum of detail because there has been several correspondences. Bummer.

I'm so sorry that you're having so much trouble with the turkey person. I would have wanted to by now tell her where to put her turkey. But that would be stooping to her level I guess.

Anyway, I have had a horrible time with my chicks dying. Have you heard of anyone else having a problem. I have done everything known. I don't lose any turkeys or ducks...just chicks. My hatch of turkey's was wondeful that I got from you at POOPS. They are growing and can't wait to see them grown.

Keep your head up.

Those mushrooms look wonderful. We won one of the boxes you brought to POOPS and they were great. I sauted quite a few of them and put them in the freezer for later. Yummy!!!
Well Okie folks I am off to bed. Have to get up early and go to a meeting before my interview tomorrow. Everyone wish me luck, if you would.
Before I go to bed I wanted to tell Lynn thanks for the rooster. Mr. Roo is a really good bird and I think my hen has started to take to him. She has been really lonely but hopefully not anymore.
Also was wondering what auctions will be going on next Saturday. Does anyone know when the next Cement auction is and is it worth going to? Had the kind and her boyfriend over for dinner tonight so I was not able to go to the auction in Lexingtion, like I was hoping to. Need auction fix, really bad!!!
Hope everyone has a good night.
Lynn and I and Carl and Steph went to Lex last night. We got exactly what we went looking for. Lynn broke my push mower guard thing and now if it picks up anything on the ground it is a bad thing for my unprotected shins. So got a new used lawn mower. Picked up a pair of Japs or so they looked like them. Not sure one has rose comb (roo) and the hen has a small straight comb???? Lynn only barked a little bit he said I could be 10 dollars on them, he failed to know I was bidding on both

When the sun comes out I will go and inspect them more. These will be the birds I bring to NPIP testing.

There might have been 10 cages of animals. a trio of peafowls went for 35 bucks each. Rabbits were selling for 3-5 bucks. Was for sure a buyers night. Except there was not that much there.

Nana, yes Falls Creek is a Southern Baptist Church camp. Been many a moon since I been there. No way I could walk up that hill now. !st year I went I learned more about Mary Jane than I had ever known(only verbally they didnt have any to partake of) Them boys for sure needed the lightning strike.
Morning all! If my dog hadnt woke me I would still be in bed. Oh well it was time to get up anyway.

I never went to Falls Creek. As far as the church part of it, from everone I talked to that had went said it wasnt bad but most everyone said that was the place to go for mild quite parties!
Good morning Okies,
Looks like a beautiful day with a slight chance of rain to cool things off for a few minutes. I guess the Cement auction is this Saturday the 6th, followed by the Blanchard auction on the 13th.
Sounds like the Lexington auction last night was good if you wanted to buy and WAY TOO CHEAP if you were trying to sell.
While I would prefer that an auction not last more than about 4 hours, an auction that includes poultry and is over in less than 2 hours is hardly worth driving any distance to attend.
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