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  • Hello.
    I need your expert advise. I have 24 hens (no roosters) divided in 2 groups (one of 14 and the other has 10) they all range from 5 months to 6 and a half years old. I have kept them separated by a fence. Each group has their own coop and run with a very big yard to roam around. I want to integrate them, any suggestions? thanks in advance
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    Reactions: debrahlily
    They are probably already integrated. Simply open up a pass through so they can mingle from each side, and see what happens. My guess is a few will venture over from each side and no one will be in a fluff over it.
    Hello! I read your article about crop issues and it was very thorough. Just wanted to thank you for the information! I had one small question- is fluconazole oral tablets ok to give as a substitute for miconazole cream?
    Hello! I read your article on integrating chicks w/ older hens & loved it! I split my coop inside w/ hardware cloth and the second door has its own run. My 9 week old chicks have been outside with the hens for 5 weeks, just separated with a chicken wire fence. So they see each other in the yard and in the coop. Are they old enough for the fence to be taken down and fully integrated with the older hens?
    Thanksfor the info you shared regarding how you've humanely euthanised some of your hens when needed - the link you shared was really helpful. I lost one hen today (who my uncle kindly dealt with) but I have another heading the same way and I am sure she will need to have her suffering ended soon. I would like to learn to do it myself, if I can.
    Thank you for answering my question about the watery egg whites. I use pine shavings for the coop and deep bedding method. but I usually clean it every 3-4 months, I will clean it again now and see if that makes a difference. Thanks.
    I was wondering what happened with Ethel?
    Ethel's poop has slowly improved after I took the step of preventing her being bullied away from the feeders. In fact, after just two days of protective treatment, she regained her self confidence and began asserting herself at the food dishes. This morning when cleaning the poop boards, I couldn't tell which night deposit was hers. Thanks for asking!
    Hi, do you know if Elector PSP can be ingested by ducks if used in their bathing water? Will it hurt them if they drink some of it?
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