No crosses yet. I have a number of asil x phoenix x etc. crosses that free range around my place which I'm eager to try crossing with liege- not necessarily to include in my liege breeding program, but just to see what happens
Yes. I admire their friendly yet protective nature and want to emphasize athleticism and survivability in the breed, especially given their limited genetic pool in the U.S.
New year's day hatch plus some 2 and 3 week olds. Combination of GFF and Carolina Pines Poultry genetics. I only started with the breed last year after admiring them from afar for a long time. My goals are to increase awareness and interest in the breed and to increase health and vigor in my...
I like seeing her nest site up off the ground. Seems safer. When mine hatch outside the coop, they often go for deep cover under dense brush. It works well enough here, but I suppose in your area snakes would be more of an issue on the ground? Nesting up high may be a valuable adaptation if...
Thank,U_Stormcrow! She's probably around 3 lbs, but I'd have to wait until nightfall to weigh her and know for sure- they tend to run on the small side which helps them escape predators easily. She is a decent layer, a good forager, and a good broody, as are her kin.
I will add, I really prefer...
@LaurenRitz, please use these images if you feel they'd be helpful. I am eleven years into this project using natural selection as the main driver of my birds' genetics. Breeds included are: Thai Aseel, Old English Game Bantam, Egyptian Fayoumi, and Silver Phoenix. There is a fair degree of...
My Asil/Phoenix/Fayoumi/etc.hens tend to stay with thier brood 3+ months as well, allowing the chicks to fully integrate into the flock and learn the ropes. Except this year the hen raising my 8 new liege fighters was done with them at 4 weeks. Too big, I guess. They have survived and thrived...
A little off topic, but with regard to Egyptian egg incubators, the clay "oven" style incubators heated by fire are still in use in some rural areas with a few modern upgrades! I was just reading about it the other day:
TLDR: My birds are derived from several breeds known for free range ability and have always done well in my particular area.
I think there are probably many ways to approach the goal of creating an ideal chicken for your area. Just go with traits you like and be willing to cull traits you...
Hi there,
This is a topic I have a lot of interest in, so I'll share my experience. In 2013, I started a free range flock that involved a thai aseel rooster, and hens of these breeds: Thai Aseel, Old English Game Bantam, Egyptian Fayoumi, Silver Phoenix, and an assortment of laying breeds whose...
The head and neck are a little strange in shape, maybe contributing to its inability to hatch. It does seem to be a chicken chick though. It has a small pea comb and resembles its siblings.
And that's that. When I candled this morning, the embryo had died. I opened it up and discovered a full-term, normal looking chick with a partially absorbed yolk. It had not managed to get its head into the right position to pip. Maybe if I'd stepped in yesterday, I could have helped, but quite...