Recent content by Vyctoria

  1. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    I'll admit that I've fallen away from soaking it all the time. The bottom feels as though the swelling is going down, but the top is still a lump. It doesn't hurt her at all and she acts like it isn't even there. I'm honestly baffled by it.
  2. Vyctoria

    Mulch For Duck Run?

    I work at Countrymax, so that was where I'm planning to get it, but if some other store has it ground finer then I'll go there instead. Ours is pretty chunky. I'll have to check Lowes.
  3. Vyctoria

    Sudden flying (rouen)

    My Rouen hen is the one duck that used to fly over the fence any time there was enough wind to get her over. She hasn't done it in a long time now that she's older, but that first year I was always chasing her around the lawn. So I'd say that sounds normal to me.
  4. Vyctoria

    Mulch For Duck Run?

    I've been trying to grow grass in the outside run since this spring and it was going surprisingly well until we hit a drought. I don't have the time or energy to water it twice a day because getting the hose out that far is a time-consuming, pain in the butt. At this point, I have patches that...
  5. Vyctoria

    Is there a way to find out who is laying the eggs?

    Not sure if it's the same for all Rouens, but mine lays a blue-green egg. My Pekin lays an off-white egg.
  6. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    Yes actually. It's still swollen, but she stopped limping on it and it just doesn't seem to bug her much anymore.
  7. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    It's the right foot. That is interesting to me though. I've had my suspicions that it is something else other than bumblefoot because I've dealt with it once before and this doesn't look like it. But there was heat coming from it at the beginning which led me to believe it is an infection of...
  8. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    Well, I've soaked it in an epsom salt water and tea tree mixture and then scrubbed with clear iodine about 3 nights in a row now. Then I sort of got thrown off schedule with the holiday. I'm hesitant to rush her to the vet just yet, because upon inspection this morning, the swelling seems to...
  9. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    I've definitely been thinking about that too. Not sure what kind is best though. I'll have to do some research on it. I'll be in town tomorrow, so I can pick something up. If it's an ointment it might stay better too because anytime I clean her foot she immediately gets in the pond and tries to...
  10. Vyctoria

    Everyone’s Favourite

    When I started out with ducks a couple of years ago, I didn't know much about the different breeds and I wanted a variety of colors and personalities. So I figured if I got one of each, I could compare and decide what my favorites were. A few have passed due to various things and I've gotten...
  11. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    So that spot turned out to be the area I was picking at previously when I thought there was something there. I've been scrubbing at it to see what is dirt and if there is anything else. There is nothing that I can see or feel. The foot looks flawless aside from the swelling. The lump is...
  12. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    I posted too fast lol. I suppose it could be a sting. I do get bees in the coop on occasion that I have to kill. I'll start with a soak and see if I can pick around and locate anything weird. I couldn't see it last night, but I didn't really feel for anything other than the scab, so maybe I...
  13. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    Ah thank you! As soon as this heat breaks a bit tonight, I'm going to have to check that out again.
  14. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    Could I ask where you see it? I must be blind. When my drake had it it was obvious and I had no issue digging it out. With her I feel like I'm about to cut into live tissue. I just don't want to hurt her.
  15. Vyctoria

    Is this bumblefoot?

    Just yesterday I came home from work to find that my Khaki hen, Bridget, was favoring her right foot. She holds it up when standing, but she will walk on it gingerly to get around. Upon inspection I found that her toe was completely swollen up, but I can't see the tell-tale black scab or really...
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