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  • My life is very hectic right now. We're short-crewed at work and trying to start a home business. Not much time for internet chatting but doing well otherwise. Too many roosters needing eating, of course. ;)
    Good to hear from you! Good luck with the business. :)
    Oh! How good to hear, I was worried when you stopped posting. What kind of business are you starting, if you don't mind the question?
    Not sure, but even the hens have all but stopped laying and the other day I thought about it and realized roos not crowing either. Geesh, wonder what's up, should we worry, what to do?

    We just got last batch of chicks for this year and whatever is ailing my gals and guys I surely don't want it affecting the new bunch.
    The rooster in avatar is gorgeous. Is he a gray maran rooster?
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    Reactions: 3KillerBs
    No, Rameses is a Blue Australorp from Welp. I didn't intend to get them, but loved the hens I had in my mixed breed flock so much that I decided to breed them.

    He's also for sale because he's now breeding with his granddaughters and I want to bring in some new blood.
    Rameses is a great name. Wish I lived closer; I might be interested.
    He's the founder of my chicken dynasty.

    But it's time for his sons Seti and Khufu to get a chance. I'm going to buy some chicks in September and be ready to choose a new male to add to the mix.
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