Reviews by allygibbs73

Pros: Small, doesn't take up much space, quiet (even the males), easy to handle, doesn't fly much, don't smell bad, they each lay one egg a day to every other day, they can become great pets
Cons: Timid and skittish if raised in a group, no matter how much you handle them. Will leave and never come back if they escape (except if they're tame, then they usually don't wander far). They poop a ton!
These are lovely little birds with big personalities! I have 5 quail outside that lay eggs for me but they are pretty skittish and don't like to be touched (I tried to tame them but I kept them all together and they got skittish a couple days after they hatched). I have 1 tamed quail that lives inside with me. I only hatched one egg to purposefully tame the chick that hatched (in my experience they can only be tamed if raised alone with little to no contact with other quail chicks). She is 3 months old now and is a great pet. She'll sit with me quietly and maybe fall asleep, likes to sit on my shoulder, she LOVES jumping for lettuce I hang from the top of her cage, and would do anything for mealworms, I take her outside everyday to explore, forage, and dust bathe and I never have to worry about her running off, when it's time to go back inside I just walk over and pick her up no problem. She's so easy to handle, never runs away from people, will sometimes follow you (as chicks they will always try to follow you but when they mature they rarely do). I have 4 new chicks I just hatched and I've been keeping them separated to tame them. One will stay with Cricket my tame quail when I'm not home.
Purchase Price
Usually $1 or less and egg??
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