Reviews by ChickenCrazy8


Pros: Great personality, Good egg production, easy to hold, small comb so no chance of frostbite.
Cons: Loves free ranging a little to much-doesn't always come when I call.
Love this breed. Favorite for kids to hold because they are on the small side. Their personality's are amazing, I love watching them free range!!!
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Pros: Good size for small hands, Calm
Cons: Slightly flighty, doesn't lay in the nesting box
I have always wanted an Australorp and decided to get when last year. I really like her, but I wouldn't get an Australorp again because she gets hen pecked by my other chickens. She is for sure at the bottom of the pecking order because she is so calm. A great quality, but not when you need to stand up for yourself! Because she gets hen pecked so much, she is now kind of scared of me, and if I approach to quickly she will run away. If you have smaller breeds the Australorp would be a great addition to your flock, but otherwise don't get for the chickens sake.
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