Reviews by DustBathSpaDay

Pros: Made my chicken very happy!
Cons: none
These treats were often the high point of Ollie's day! He would chortle and chuckle as he ate them. Always a big deal around our house!


Super Admin
Pros: Affectionate, docile, charming. "A real gentleman" said his vet.
Cons: Not a single thing.
My Ollie, a Cochin Bantam rooster housepet, was a sweet, smart, affectionate, cuddly little fella. It's been six months since he passed, and it is too quiet around here. I'm ready to fill my house with that chuckling and chortling again. I'm just waiting now for the next hatchlings from Dog River Bantams. Two Cochin Bantam hens for our house!
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