Reviews by gander007

Pros: Colorful Egg's, Colorful Chickens, Easy To Hatch, Easy To Raise
Cons: Wont Stay Out Of Anything, Easy Catch For Vermits
For the beginner you can not ask for a better bird to work with ....
Go to the roost well or will cuddle as a group on the ground ......
Good layers of multi color egg's, Blue, Green, Brown, Pink, or an off white as they age .......
Easley kept in a coop for long periods of time ......
Will go broody from time to time .......
Very friendly and some times way to friendly as to be waiting by my car door when I get home and following me to the front door or to the feed shed .....
Roosters do tend to mature fast and need to be thinned out before DE-feathering all the hens or hurting them ......
The Roosters can be aggressive towards one another to the point of exhaustion or loss .......

They do play well with others
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Pros: Alert, Will defend itself, Great parents, Friendly , Can live in all the extreme climents as they live with me in Death Valley California
Cons: Not a small chicken, Goe's Broody, Talks alot

The paper was put down to reflect the light for the photo ..

Nice lady .

More chicks hatching

These little guys are so energetic
A healthy and happy chicks make for a good chicken

Here in Death Valley California the temps get up to and over 120F degrees and stay there for weeks at a time but I have been doing a lot of reading and come to find out that the Russian Orloff is also doing well in Siberia so this feathered friend goes from one extreme to another amazing not a lot of chickens can say that .
The Russian Orloff has a tendency to be underfoot as it has a natural curious side .......

Will Easley take on the roll of a segregate parent .....

Will go broody ........

Protects it's young .......

Easley aroused .......

Not a hard egg to incubate even for the beginner .....
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