Reviews by HighStreetCoop

Pros: I don't really see any
Cons: Half my chickens wouldn't drink out of the bowl with this attached
When I first set up my Little Giant fount, I had one of these on it. Half the birds just would NOT go near the thing and the others looked uncomfortable as they turned their heads sideways to get in under it (and it really didn't seem to do much to keep dirt or straw out of the bowl). I took it off and now they're all using the bowl without issue.
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Pros: Automatic, easy to disconnect and clean, chickens like it
Cons: Gets more dirt/struff in it than a contained nipple system
My nipple watering system had a valve failure, so I switched to one of these. The chickens really like it and it's super easy to clean and manage.
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Pros: Easy to find
Cons: Shoddy quality, easily tipped, broke almost immediatly
I bought one of these when my chicks outgrew their baby feeder. It was broken within days. Just fell apart. Plus, it tipped over easily and just slopped feed EVERYWHERE.
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Pros: Love the design.
Cons: Pricey and valve failed
1) I got the small one for Christmas and I couldn't be happier with it. It was super easy to install, and now I never have to worry about my chickens running out of water, knocking it over, getting it dirty, etc. Plus, with it hanging nearly flat on the wall, it doesn't take up valuable floor space in the run. And I feel good about supporting a small business.

2) The valve stopped working after about three weeks of use. When I emailed them about it, they said something probably got suck in it and was keeping it from shutting off and explained how to clean it out. I did what they said twice, and it is still not functioning. It just runs and overflows. They have not responded to my follow up email. They clearly don't stand behind their product at ALL. If I'd wanted a waterer that I had to check and refill, I could have spend $10, not $80. I'm extremely disappointed and very frustrated.

3) Update: The guy from the Chicken fountain emailed me yesterday after seeing this review. He seems genuinely horrified that he missed my email telling him the problem was unresolved. He sent me a prepaid shipping label and says he'll refund my money, including shipping, when I return the unit. He also offered a replacement, but I've already bought something else and I can't return it. So I can't comment on the durability of the product, but I can at least now say he stands behind it. I really do wish this had worked, because I prefer the slim design and how little room it takes up. If I ever lose my mind and get a second coop, maybe I'll try another one.
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Pros: Calm, sweet disposition, come in an amazing variety of colors, good layers
Cons: English ones are HUGE, so they take up a lot of room
Pretty much the perfect chicken IMO. They're calm, self-assured, friendly, inquisitive, and beautiful.
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