Reviews by janiedoe

I hate flies & gnats
Pros: Kills flies and gnats
Won't harm most farm animals
Cons: Shouldn't be used around cats
I've been purchasing this for several years. I love that it's premixed. Just spray and go.
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"Shouldn't be used around cats. " How close? If my yard cat lounges on the coop step is that too close if I treat the coop w/ this spray? TYIA.
Spraying it in your coop is fine. Spraying it in your yard is fine. Just don't spray it on your cat.


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly to everyone
Cons: None
I love orpingtons! I have 3 bluffs and a lavender. They are all friendly and the first to run to me when I go out into their yard or run. They are excellent Iayers and get along with all the other chicken breeds that I keep. I will add orpingtons every time I buy chicks.


Super Admin
Pros: Broody, excellent mom
Cons: Skittish
I only have one Langshan hen. Mine is extremely skittish, but to be fair I bought her as a pullet and I dont handle her very often. I've had her for about 1 1/2 years now and she is still skittish. She doesn't fight or they to get away if I catch her but she is hard to catch. She will take treats from my hand but runs if move. She also bullies the other hens on occasion. On the other hand, she is terrified of roosters and runs like the wind whenever one looks at her. Weirdly, when she is broody she is friendly. She has hatched and raised chicks for me and was an excellent mother. She goes broody about 3 times a year and is hard to break.
Her best selling points are that she is stunningly beautiful, is a reliable broody, and lays a nice pinkish, large egg 4 to 5 times a week (when not broody).
All in all, I would buy langshan chicks if I had the chance.
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Pros: It's a waterer
Cons: hanger broke after two months of daily use.
I bought this because I have the feeder and I like it a lot. I liked this too at first, but the hanger on the top of the cover broke off after just a couple of months of indoor use. So while I still use it, it is not possible to hang it, and is hard to get the cover off. I think I will stick with plastic.
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August 2018
Pros: I like the small resealable bag
Cons: None
My chicks love this feed. I picked up a couple of bags at Walmart (because I needed an excuse to get a few chicks.) The new chicks loved it so much that I bought more chicks and more feed. I like the smaller bags because they stay fresher and are easier to store. I have been using it for almost 6 weeks now and will move up to a grower soon. I will buy this if I raise chicks in the future.
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Purchase Date
Sept. 2018
Pros: Chickens like it & it seemed to give them more energy. Egg production picked up.
Cons: Stains plastic waterers
I bought some of this, this summer after a nasty infestation of lice. I thought my hens were looking a bit pale. Our temps were routinely in the high 90s and at times up to 107. I added it to their water 3 days a week for a few weeks. They liked the taste and egg production picked up quickly. I liked the results so I am still using it one day a week.
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Purchase Date
Summer 2018


Pros: Calm, tame, easily handled, good forager
Cons: Picked on in a mixed flock
I have had two cream legbar hens and currently have only one. Both were at the bottom of the pecking order. They are so sweet. Floppy has slept out of the coop/run a few times as she disappeared and didn't return until the next morning. We live next to wooded areas and I know there are predators around but she always returned so I would say she is savvy. I would love to have more legbars.
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More than a year
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