There were two Buff Orpingtons among the first dozen or so birds I bought when I started raising backyard chickens back in 2015. I found one dead in the chicken yard about six months later for no apparent reason (at that time I didn't see any point in sending her off for an autopsy). The other one in that bunch is still alive and well and one of the queens of my roost.
They've been great layers and some of the friendliest birds in my flock - and that has led to some heartbreak.
I've had some girls I've really loved. We name our girls and color-code band them so we can tell them apart more easily. There was "Goldie" a Golden Orpington we got as a complimentary chick from our hatchery. She was my shadow when I was in the yard and sometimes would get in front of me wanting to be picked up and held. I found her a couple summers ago during our heat wave dead trying to get into our laying area. She was about a year and a half old.
Buffy was our drama queen. When she would lay an egg the entire area knew of it. I had to cull her when I caught her egg eating.
Then we had the Lavender Orpingtons - Lilac and Iris. I had to cull Lilac for egg eating (we had a bad outbreak a couple summers back - it cost us about a dozen birds); Iris got Bumble Foot. My brother is a vet and came over and helped me treat it doing surgery I didn't have the heart to do. We nursed her back to health just to have to cull her when I caught HER egg eating.
Since then, I have about a half dozen Buff Orpingtons who are doing well and are productive members of the flock. They have been lovable birds and productive birds with great personalities, but if and when something happens to the ones I have now I probably will not replace them with Buff Orpingtons.
They've been great layers and some of the friendliest birds in my flock - and that has led to some heartbreak.
I've had some girls I've really loved. We name our girls and color-code band them so we can tell them apart more easily. There was "Goldie" a Golden Orpington we got as a complimentary chick from our hatchery. She was my shadow when I was in the yard and sometimes would get in front of me wanting to be picked up and held. I found her a couple summers ago during our heat wave dead trying to get into our laying area. She was about a year and a half old.
Buffy was our drama queen. When she would lay an egg the entire area knew of it. I had to cull her when I caught her egg eating.
Then we had the Lavender Orpingtons - Lilac and Iris. I had to cull Lilac for egg eating (we had a bad outbreak a couple summers back - it cost us about a dozen birds); Iris got Bumble Foot. My brother is a vet and came over and helped me treat it doing surgery I didn't have the heart to do. We nursed her back to health just to have to cull her when I caught HER egg eating.
Since then, I have about a half dozen Buff Orpingtons who are doing well and are productive members of the flock. They have been lovable birds and productive birds with great personalities, but if and when something happens to the ones I have now I probably will not replace them with Buff Orpingtons.