Reviews by Ozarkhomesteader


Super Admin
Pros: friendly, pretty, good at free ranging, fairly quiet
Cons: messy
The first poultry i ever got was 4 little Cayuga ducklings. they were sweet, adorable, and fun. one didn't reach adulthood, and another got taken by a coon, so we ordered 4 more cayuga's along with some rouens, khaki campbells, and pekins, but they remained our favorites. They laid quite a few eggs, and love following us around the yard. they were super friendly, and loved to come and lay nearby. They didn't mind being held, and absolutely loved worms and snails!! It is really fun when they start turning white...they get really interesting and colorful! I would say they are the quietest breed i have owned other than the muscovies. overall a great breed, and i would recommend it to anyone getting ducks!!
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Pros: Great layer, calm, friendly, Beautiful plumage, curious, quiet, fairly good meat bird
Cons: can't think of any
I got one with a group of other birds, and she is my favorite of the group. She loves to be talked to, and doesn't mind petting. She squawks loudly when being picked up, but never struggles. She is gorgeous and large, and has laid a lot of large eggs for me. My friends also have 6 of these, and they are all the same as mine...we had to butcher one at their house, and she a was fairly meaty, though the carcass didn't look as nice due to the black feathers. Overall, i would recommend this breed to anyone wanting a good backyard layer or pet.


Super Admin
Pros: Big, Beautiful, Lays in winter, Large eggs, cool colors, super friendly, Loves attention
Cons: feet get dirty
I had 7 light Brahma's and 4 buff Brahma's that i raised from chicks. I ended up with only one light girl, and the rest were boys, but all the buff's were girls. Even the 6 roosters were friendly, though slightly obnoxious. The buff girls were super sweet, and all of them loved to be petted and held. I would defiantly get more, and the boys were not mean at all. The eggs were large, and they were pretty good layers. They are also big and quite beautiful. If you like big, feathery birds, i would totally get a Brahma.
Pros: Good layers, not flighty, Hardy, Good foragers, food motivated
Cons: can be aggressive, hates to be cooped up
I i have 1 production red who is the only survivor of a devastating raccoon and fox attack. She gives me an egg almost everyday during summer, and even lays some in the winter. She is always the first to greet me and ask for a treat. If i leave her in the coop, she starts yelling at me to let her out. Sometimes she will use her beak to tell me what she wants, but not too often. I would totally recommend this bird to anyone wanting a great layer.
Pros: Great steady layer, always a little different in color, good personality
Cons: Really dumb, sometimes flighty
I have 3 of these and they give me the most eggs of the others. Even in winter, they are still giving me a few eggs. I call them really dumb because when there is a predator, they are not even scared, they just go about their business until they get killed. I had 4 of these until a couple days ago when the nicest one got killed by a fox. Overall, i really like this breed and would recommend it to someone who wants a good steady flow of eggs from their girls.
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