Reviews by rendezvous1838

Pros: keeps water liquid, large
Cons: none
I have the water-er set up inside of my coop for winter use. It has keept water in the liquid state all winter even when the outside temp was 15 below zero Ferinheight, there was just a little ice on the edge.

I fill it half full and it lasts my 4 chickens a week or more, At that point it needs to be cleaned anyway. I have it setting on a concrete block so it is elevated above the wood shavings getting scratched around.

I have had no issues with spilling or seperations like some folks. I carry it red side up and it is not hanging by the loop.
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Pros: Calm, Best layers
Cons: N/A
The BOs have laid consistantly through the first winter. They like to be held also.
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Pros: Nice plumage, good layer,
Cons: Flys over fence, won't come for treats (teenage pullet)
This 18 week old pullet is about to "go to the farm" She goes over the fence and will no longer be lured by BOSS or rolled oats.

3 months later....
She has survived this rebelious period and is a good hen. She likes to get scratched on the back but will not be held like the BOs. Good layer of nice green eggs. She still hops the fence occaisionaly, so do the others, but are eager to come back for scratch grains.
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