Reviews by snowflake


Pros: very friendly, good layers love the puffy cheeks and cherps, rooster is good with people and his hens
Cons: can't think of any
for those that have flighty or mean birds, I wonder who you got them from? The first EE's I got from a popular hatchery were a little flighty but still would come running when I had treats and eat out of my hand, and are very good layers They are now 5 and do not lay every day, The ones I bought this yr, are from a breeder and are so far super friendly, even the little roos. come up and jump on my shoulder if I am doing something in their run. Theese have not started to lay yet. I have never had one pick on flock mates. and have learned all ready that when people come out the back door, get there fast they may have food

My lavenders are rather small even though they are standards and they are soooo sweet look kind of like little doves, and have the sweetest almost purr
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