Reviews by tntchix

Pros: NO risk of fire, chicks relax quickly, very adjustable
Cons: You can't see the chicks unless you lift it up, the poop on top
I have to say I looked at reviews everywhere for this thing. I read almost every one, good or bad. I LOVE this thing!

The heat lamps give me fits over risking a fire with something so hot and I wanted an alternative. I have had no problems with it other than the chicks went under it right away, straight out of the shipment box and I didn't see them again for a while. Not really a problem, just a bummer I couldn't check them out first.

It is big enough for the 25, now 24 chicks I have. NO overheating, if they get warm they just come out. I can raise one side at a time so the smaller ones can snuggle up deeper and the bigger ones don't get squished. They use the top as a runway, albeit a poopy one, but I just scrape it off every couple of days with a litter scoop.

All said, this the EcoGlow50 was a no-brainer for me. The energy use is minimal compared to those bulbs. Yay energy savings!

Try one, you'll love it.
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