Reviews by weimarmama

Pros: easy to use, great for dark eggs
In the past I've used cheap LED flashlights to candle eggs, but this past summer I splurged and bought a Brinsea OvaScope. It was well worth the extra money! The extra bright light of the candler makes it easy to see through even very dark eggs and the ovascope makes it so much easier to take pictures of candled eggs.
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Pros: Easy to use and set up, affordable
Cons: Still air
I received my first incubator in 2003 (I think) as a gift from my grandfather and it was a Hovabator still air. It's several years old, has hatched out many chicks and ducklings, but it still works just as well as it did the day I first set it up. But I mainly use it for lockdown now since getting a Hovabator 1588.
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