
Belgian d'Uccle

This breed was developed in Belgium by Michel Van Gelder, a fancier who lived in the small town...
Pros: Friendly, tiny, beautiful
Cons: May be too small? Gah.. They're great!
I hatched 3 little barbu d'uccles and they're just amazing. Both roosters and pullets, cuddlebugs! Super beautiful, friendly, cute and did I say how pretty they are?
I found it so hard to let go of my boys (no roos here :( ). They were so sweet.
But my little pullet is amazing!

Purchase Price
£25 for 6 eggs
Purchase Date
September 2021
Pros: Pretty, calm birds with wonderful personalities and easy to keep. Their also very easy to tell gender very early.
Cons: Keeping boots/feet feathers clean is hard sometimes.
I love this breed! So friendly and I was able to sex them at 2 or 3 weeks. Any color/variety is perfect, their all so beautiful. Every body needs one!
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Pros: My peanut is so sweet with a fiery spirit.
Cons: She is VERY loud, doesn't lay well, and is bossy to anything bigger than her except the cat. Also she escapes from the run if I don't put rocks around it.
I would HIGHLY recommend getting a Mille Fleur, Or any kind of d'Uccle for that matter. They are small, so if you had a flock of them you could have a smaller coop. My full grown one is about the size of a dove. I got mine from a farm museum gift shop, and she has been one of the best things in life along with all the other 17 different chicken breeds that I have had so far.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
July 2019


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I’ve always loved this breed after seeing them at a country show in Australia. But haven’t been able to find a breeder here as yet. The bantum I’m sure would fit in well with my 3 silkies.
My Pet Hens
Where do you live?
Pros: Super cute, great show bird, many pretty colours and varieties.
Cons: Small eggs, keeping feet feathers in good condition for shows is hard, can be bossy.
I love Belgian D'uccles! As owning some of my own, I know first hand what they can be like. Great article, cute pics!
Pros: Pros: I have four hens (never had a rooster of this breed) and they are super sweet! They are very friendly and love to be the center of attention. I especially love their small eggs so I can use 1/2 egg if I want to make 1/2 batch of any recipe that calls for 1 egg. My four hens get along well together however they are separated from my other larger breeds so they don't get hurt. They have also been super kind to my no-longer-lonely polish bantam.
Cons: Cons: As I said above, they love to be the center of attention, and my hens will peck my fingers, feet, and pull at my hair if they want me to pay attention to them.
I have four gorgeous hens whom I love! The d'uccle is such a beautiful breed I only have nice things to say about...almost..
My Pet Hens
My Mille Fleur had no problem with the bigger girls. She rulled the roost even with the Bramas and Jersy Giants.
My Pet Hens
Just lost my Mile Fleur and molted Cochen. My cochin is just gone and Moma my Mille Fleur was dead in run.
Pros: Gorgeous, personable little birds
Cons: A couple of the roosters would peck a little bit, and the feathered legs got in the way
One of my first favorite hens was a d'Uccle. But I was never a huge fan of feathered legs.
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Pros: Friendly, Sweet
Small, Beautiful.
Cons: very small eggs, but other than that i love love this breed!
This is the best bird ever!!

there sweet adorable and beautiful my little Black one is my favorite chicken! (Believe it or not she has been laying a lot lately yesterday and the day before yesterday she gave me a egg each one of those days.
Pros: all around adorable and cute
Cons: Cocks can be a bit on the aggressive side.
I just bought 5 - 1 year old hens and they are amazing!! so cute, makes sweet noises, friendly. Perfect pets. They eat a lot, however, for being so small!
Pros: My tiny girl lays almost every day little eggs bigger than her head. She is the sweetest thing. She will happily fly to my arm to tell me about her day or ask for treats.
Cons: Sometimes gets picked on by the big girls.
I adore my D'uccle Hazel. She can be picked up by anyone and is very happy to see me and hop to my arm when invited. She lays nearly everyday at a bit over a year old now. NO issues with frostbite despite my cinder block coop.
She does struggle with the bigger girls especially the more aggressive ones but is not at the bottom of the pecking order despite being the smallest.
Purchase Date
May 2016
Pros: Small, beautiful, smart
Cons: There are none~
What a great breed! They are very showy and have a very nice personality. They are smart and just plain gorgeous to look at. I do like the banty's they are so cute. This breed has feathers on his feet. I highly recommend this breed!
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Pros: Calm
Fast to mature
Very beautiful
Cons: Poop gets stuck on feet because of the giant boots!
This is a very pretty, very friendly, very AWESOME bird! Love the different colours as well as the feathered feet! They are super handleable and don't mind being picked up. If you want a sweet, beautiful bantam addition to your flock, get a d'Uccle!!!!!!
Pros: Small, friendly, beautiful, good for show, good with beginners
Cons: Prone to predators, fragile, frostbite, slow, kill chicks
I have owned belgian d'Uccles for four years. Overall, they are friendly birds. I free range my birds year round, and I have problems with the predators. I have had several d'Uccles get eaten by hawks and other predators. The hawks are especially a problem due to the d'Uccle's smaller size. Otherwise, they are great birds and are generally easy to tame. Mine have hatched many chicks, and have had mixed results. They are good at raising babies, only if they don't kill them on purpose first. I have had both of my d'uccle hens have problems with killing chicks of their own as well as chicks of others. They have even killed ducklings. Ironically, they are extremely broody. I have had two d'Uccle roosters. One was very aggressive and would attack humans, and the other was very friendly. I think it all depends on the birds, however. I would recommend d'Uccles to any chicken owner because they are small, generally friendly, and overall good chickens.
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Pros: Likes to have interaction, sits on laps, quite talker, doesnt turn up flower beds
Cons: They need a aviary as they are great flyers. No free ranging, or they will disappear.
I had a Porcelain Duccle pair a few years ago. We started letting them out to free range. One day we left to go into town and the Duccles were missing. I now raise Mille Fleurs in a 20 by 50 foot wire mesh topped run with a small tree, grape vines and a huge shade tarp for relief during the summer. I love this breed in all colors. These cute little birds are very sweet pets. If you sit with them you'll be surrounded by soft little purring birds wanting your attention. There eggs ship really well to sell as hatching eggs. I wish I could let them run free! It would be so cute to see 30 of these birds running around the farm. Give them lot's of things to jump on out in there run. Add greens to there diet.
Pros: calm,gentle, good looks and good foragers
Cons: small eggs ( nothing more )
My experience with the breed is great. I have a Porcelain D'uccle named Almond she is probably the best chicken i've had thought her personality doesn't meet up to breed standards " They say D'uccles will roost height and are very broody'' Almond has never been broody and does not like to roost height but otherwise has a great personality she loves attention. When she was little she was picked on but now she doesn't take that kinda treatment. Almond now comes to her name, helps in the garden to get the grubs out. she has also won grand champion bantam feather footed at the county fair. They also make great 4-H birds.
Pros: BEAUTIFUL, friendly, docile, sweet and so cute!
Cons: bottom of pecking order, like to roost up high, not very hardy
We've had several over the years. We've gotten most of them when they were teenagers and had terrible luck. They were all roosters except one who died from speculated Mareks disease (we didn't have her then, but her brother died from it so I guess she got it too). They were flighty, only because we didn't bond with them enough. But, the two hens we have gotten as adults(at different times) were both sweetie pies once tamed. A bit shy, and fragile but also very friendly, docile and love cuddles, they don't mind being held. Neither laid extremely well, but One thing that's so cute, is that neither of them clucked. They made a high peep/chirping sound their entire lives. :love
Pros: Very affectionate, calm, good with my kids. And so Docile.
Cons: Loves to be inside my house where it's nice n fresh. Gonna have to buy him a diaper. Lol

Pros: Very sweet, gentle, smart, pretty to look at
Cons: ESCAPE ARTISTS, mediocre layers
Got a single d'Uccle in my flock and I LOVE her! Coreen is the sweetest little pullet, and I do mean little! By far the smallest of my four chickens. Super gentle, even when she's pecking you, and she loves to be pet and talked to. Very quiet breed, my grandfather-in-law gifted her to us from his flock and mentioned that the sweetness and quiet comes with a downside of low egg production. They're also very quick and can avoid more aggressive breeds in the flock.

One big issue I have with this breed is that no matter how secure your run is, no matter how much you try, they will ALWAYS find a way to escape! I can't tell you how many times Coreen has gotten out. We have to lock the gate of the run because one time she flew up and opened the gate! It's a seven foot fence! Luckily they don't go far and are easily caught.

That being said, I highly recommend this breed if you want a good pet chicken. Not great meat or laying birds but I do so love this breed and plan on getting another.
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Pros: Incredibly Sweet, a True Bantam, Happy With Being Around Humans
Cons: Can Be Easy Prey
I love my Belgian d'Uccle's. Unfortunately, I only have two since I wanted to try out a new bantam breed and didn't want to get a bunch since I didn't know if I'd like them. I regret not buying out the store while I had the chance! My little hen is the sweetest hen I've ever had. She loves attention and loves to just be around you. My d'Uccle's don't mind being picked up or handled and are very non-aggressive. However, they don't seem to have a sense of fear. My hen also doesn't like to be confined and had to be moved to a completely closed in area.
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