

The Brahma is an Asiatic breed of chicken. The first Brahmas were brought to the United States in...
Pros: Beautiful, attention-loving, decent egg layer, sweet
Cons: Slightly aggressive to flock mates
I absolutely adore my Buff Brahma. She's the head hen, always runs up to me, and loves being held. If I kneel down she will fly up onto my lap and stay there until I pet her or give her attention. Because she is the head hen, she will peck at my RIR and EE, especially if I try to give them attention, but that is to be expected I think. She is big and beautiful, with gorgeous feathered feet. Probably my favorite breed so far!
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Pros: Loving. Vocal. Peaceful and Easy to raise!
Cons: I have none!
If I could start over again, I would have a whole flock of them, over my Barred Rocks and Americaunas (sp?). However, I'm still a huge fan of Buff Orpingtons, they're the only other bird I've found as loving and personable.
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Pros: Friendly, sweet, adorable, cold-hardy, (You really don't want to hear the rest... There's too many.)
Cons: Roos can be aggressive sometimes.
I have a Buff Brahma hen, and Maple is the sweetest thing ever! She will follow me everywhere, and she will stay by my side and not do anything until I leave. Roos can sometimes be aggressive, as I had 3 who sometimes flew at me. Brahmas hens are the best chickens for children, and anyone who likes to go out and play with their hens.
Pros: Beautiful feathers and fluff, perfect for cold weather, kid friendly, large, can teach tricks!!!
Cons: More likely to die from heat stroke than most breeds (specifically Dark Brahmas) They don't start laying for much longer than most breeds.
I have a super cute dark brahma who tramples over my feet for food. Tried to eat my tooth once. I guess i had something stuck in there. I can teach her to jump across things.
Pros: Friendliness, hardy, smart (as far as chickens go, lol)
Cons: None.
My little Phoenix was a light brahma; she was THE sweestest I've ever had so far. She would hop right onto my lap when I sat down with them, and was perfectly content to just stay there until you wanted her to get down. She was also very smart, and the escape artist of the crew of 2011, as I call them, haha. Bigfoot, a buff brahma, was also very sweet. If I had room for more chickens, these would be one of the first I'd get.
Pros: *Pretty,BIG,Docile,Make great pets,Good egg layer!!!*
Cons: NONE!!!!
I absolutely love this breed they are so big and fluffy!!! We have 5 Brahmas And they are just the nicest breed we have other than or EE's!!!!! I recommend this breed for beginners . The Buff Brahma roosters are so nice and get along with other roosters great!!!
Pros: Docile, easily tamed, good layers, beautiful
Cons: Big birds, but still love them
I am working on my Brahma flock, I have 4 lite, 2 buff, 5 buff laced, 2 silver laced, 3 dark and 2 gold laced. Also have eggs in the bater, LOL
My dark Babies are the sweetest, calm and they think I'm there Mother, there 2 weeks old this Friday. Have silver and gold laced in the incubator. So glad to see others love this breed like I do. I want to have a couple of each variety.
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Pros: friendly, pretty, lay large brown eggs
Cons: like to pick on other hens, mine still haven't gone broody :(
Amazing breed for all!
Pros: Big, Beautiful, sweet, quiet, a total lady
Cons: I have yet to see an egg!
My Buff Brahma is so beautiful, and she cracks me up when she runs towards me for treats! She's almost seven months old and I haven't seen an egg yet, but I'm okay with it. She's very large and it takes quite a hop to roost at night, she may benefit from a lower perch. Although she runs pretty fast, she gets almost no height, so getting away from predators isn't likely, but she can't get over the fence so, to me, that's a plus. An example of her demeanor; I brought home a New Hampshire Red about a month ago to keep her company after her sister was killed by a dog while free ranging. I didn't know what to expect and she surprised me, she pecked at her comb a couple times, it's totally different than hers, and followed her around, but I saw no aggression whatsoever, and within two days they were pals. For a big girl she eats like a dainty lady and barely makes a mess. I'm glad the Brahmas were my first chickens, it's because of them I am now addicted, I can't wait until spring so I can expand my flock and my coop!
Pros: Beautiful coloration, gorgeous feathered feet, very calm temperment.
Cons: Slow to mature, sometimes their feet do get dirty.
Mine is so sweet, sometimes she'll snuggle up right next to me and let me pet her but she is a bit on the smaller side although she's just starting to bulk up, and her feet do get dirty sometimes but that's not a big problem at all.
Pros: Hearty, strong bird
Pros: very pretty, godd egg layers even in the winter, smart, and very sweet.
Cons: gets picked on alot. but nothing else
i got a Brahma at a festival for $20.00. she is a light Brahma, and is now one of my favorites of 20 chickens!

i love Brahmas! if u can, get one! i love them and so will u!
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Quiet, Docile, Heavy Breed
Pros: Quiet, docile, nice variety of colors available, distinctive look
Cons: Small eggs, heavy eater
Brahmas are working their way up to my favorite breed. They have a softer, deeper cluck and chatter than other chicken breeds, though their sneezes can be quite loud! They handle confinement well, and being handled. If you're looking for meat they get rather large, but they take a while longer and eat a lot to get there! Speaking of eating--they must not miss meals or they can get mean to the other chickens real quick! But normally they aren't aggressive, but will hold their own against bullies.
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Pros: Very fluffy and sweet birds- also pretty dependable layers.
Cons: Feathered legs sometimes get dirty faster.
Pros: friendly, easy to catch when needed, lay pretty large eggs, can't fly over anything really
Cons: can't get on the roost
I love my brahmas! The first one I got was really sweet and at first I thought it was just because she was older and used to people. But when I got three more LF hens, I realized that they are all friendly! Even in the stress of going to a poultry swap and coming home in a small cage for a 2 hour car ride and being dropped off in an unfamiliar pen, they did not peck me or act aggressive as has happened with many other birds. They are pretty slow and don't run away from people, which makes them easy to catch when you need to get them. They don't lay very much, but at almost 4 years old my blue laced red brahma still lays nice big medium brown eggs. I thought she was done but she surprised me. I actually had to build an extremely short roost for them, and sometimes they still don't get on it. I guess they cant fly because of their size. These girls are huge!
Pros: Sweet, Loving
Cons: Eats a lot
I love my Light Brahma, I got her in spring 2016, so she is about a year and a half old. She is the largest chicken in the flock. She is very loving and sweet and she loves to be held.


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Pros: Friendly, Gentle, Kind
Cons: A very big apetite
They're great started birds. I love how gentle and friendly they are. They're also hardy little birds and do well in the cold.
Pros: Beautiful, docile, friendly breed. Is super nice, loves to be held, and is fine with my dog.
Cons: Not the best layer, though I have had some that lay every other day.
Pros: so cute
Cons: nope
i have one mystery Brahma and she is adorable


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They become darker with age. Light brahmas start out yellow then get whiter.
so will she get her dark Brahma look later? and do you know about what age?
Yup! I don't know what age but probably about 7 weeks.
Pros: Beautiful Giants very fun to watch
Cons: If you do not have the space it could be a little crowded
Brahmas are my favorite chicken.
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