
chicken Phoenix - Bantam

Adult Weight - Male: 38 ounces; Female: 26 ounces Color - White, Silver, Black Breasted Red...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Calm, skittish
Breed Colors/Varieties
White, Silver, Black
Breed Size
Adult Weight - Male: 38 ounces; Female: 26 ounces
Color - White, Silver, Black Breasted Red
Purpose - Bantam Exhibition
Egg Production - Poor
Egg Color - Light Brown
Country of Origin -Japan
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Latest reviews

Pros: Sweet, beautiful, hardy
Cons: Very flighty
When I ordered my first round of leghorns Murray McMurray hatchery sent us a mystery chick and this is what he happened to be, he is simply stunning and I love him to death. He outshines all my other roosters when it comes to crowing but as far as dominance he's dead last. He's very flighty around people and other roosters but hes stunning to watch from afar.
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Pros: Friendly, Beautiful
Cons: none
I have had my Bantam Phoenix for several years now. We get -40 degree weather regularly and they have always done very well. They are always a favorite of visitors. I love all the wild colors too.
Pros: quiet, nice,(doesn't try to attack me).
Cons: far.
When we went to get some more hens we saw the black and white roo sitting in the corner all alone in a stall. The lady said he didn't like other roosters. So we got him $13 no big deal right. When I told my dad he was a phoniex he said just another chicken. However when my sheep got into an accident and ripped off her horn (long story), a vet came to our farm, and saw him. Apparently his friend had one that was just the same, and was in commercials however that chicken died, and she wanted a new one. Then the rooster (Pretty Boy) fathered a chick. He is happily living on our farm and his favorite spot is between the two chicken stalls. If I get to close to the chick he flys down, and watches me.

Pretty Boy Roosting

Pretty Boy's Pride...or.....Cricket!
Chick and Mama...Soooooooooooooo Cuuute


oh! how sad. I used to have a warren and its neck was nearly golden and it had perfect white spots, she was my faverouite if my chickens don't mind me saying! but then one day she ran away. I cried and cried and cried. I still remember her, sunshine I called her, sunny for short. Well nothing lasts forever. D-,:
This made me sad - to have such a sweet bird and then the harsh winter took him. Maybe you can get another and put a heat lamp in when it is too cold.
We recently aquired some Phoenix roosters, youngsters rather. Hubby wanted 1, I said "OK" and the breeder gave us 5, 5.... My hubby picked the 2 he liked after watching them for a few weeks, then we had 3 to give away, surprisingly, NO ONE wanted any of them. I was shocked to realize that there wasn't a market for them.

The 2 he picked are super freindly, still young so they of course are lowest on pecking order, just started to crow in the past few weeks and have yet to get into the interest of breeding. Hopefully they stay freindly and never become flighty!

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4.43 star(s) 7 ratings

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