
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Any and All Colors
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and Araucanas, then bred with many different breeds so they no longer fit either breed's standards. They usually have muffs and pea combs, but come in nearly every variety and color, some even have ear tufts or are rumpless. Each EE is different, but overall they are usually a smaller bird that lays pink, green, or blue eggs. They are normally friendly and calm, and their colorful eggs make them a popular choice in backyard flocks.

Easter Egger chicks

Easter Egger egg

Easter Egger rooster

Easter Egger hen

For more info on Easter Eggers and their owners' experiences, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

friendly and docile
They are well-loved for their friendly and docile temperament, making them an excellent choice for backyard flocks, especially in family settings. Easter Eggers are hardy and adaptable to different climates, particularly cold weather, thanks to their small pea combs that are less prone to frostbite
Preston Bowslaugh
Preston Bowslaugh
I love how people are coming together to grow this community
Pros: Pretty pattern
Cute cheeks
Colorful eggs
Cons: Skittish and gets out of brooder
Mercedes is a great hen. She is a bit skittish and flies out of the brooder, but she loves to be held. Can't wait to see her colorful eggs


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Super friendly!
Pros: They love people, mine run up to me every time I walk in there
They're very cuddly, and mine really enjoy hugs
Cons: Rather loud if you don't give them attention right away
Mine tend to peck me if I don't pet them soon enough
Easter Eggers are one of the best "breeds" there are. I've had seven so far, and all of them have been super sweet. They're the first ones to greet me in the morning, and whenever I squat down, they run up to me for hugs. One of mine is blind, and she makes a LOT of noise if I go out there and don't say hi to her right away. Once I pick her up and snuggle her she quiets down instantly.

Amazing birds, five stars, would recommend!
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I sure hope you're right becasue right now my 2 weekish old EE hates for me to have any contact with her. :( I have to say I am a little disappointed, but I will be patient and see how she does. :)
Dorking, faverolle, houden, and sultans all have five toes other than silkies. Silkies will have black skin, others (to my knowledge) will not.
"Easter Eggers" are going to be either Araucana or Ameraucana chickens. I don't believe they have five toes, and they do come in a bantam variety.
wow.. i am learning more and more about different breeds... i went and checked the other two that i got from my local feed store that i thought were silkies and no they do not have black skin. what they do have that makes me lean towards the EE is that where their "ears" are, the feathers are more "poofed" out than my others. i will be so confused..lol
correction.... its the Faverolles that im leaning more towards on the two that i thought were silkies...
Sultans also have 5 toes and can be bantam or large fowl. Silkies will have black skin and black toes; sultans will not. Sometimes, some silkie chicks can have pinkish toes, but they will still have the black skin. Both of them will have feathered feet, but it won't take long to see the difference in the feathers on the sultan's feet- they also have the vulture hocks, which you can see as day old chicks. If you post a picture, I can tell you if they are sultans or not. Or, hop over to the silkie thread and check around the 1500 pages for posts of my chicks.... I have some of both.
I was on the fence about these guys, going with a barred rock, buff orp and didn't know whether an americana or australorp. I think you just made my decision for me, thanks!!! Added bonus of pretty eggs too =)
I have my first EE's in march they are now 10 weeks old, i like them so much went and got 4 more yesterday.. I love how they do everything as 1. so cute.
hey you said you have had them before?
Im new to haveing chicks, and I have 1 EE can you tell me how big they will get?
how big the hen will be full grown?
Mine are just now a month old and very friendly , or maybe just so ready to eat..
they will jump in my hand to eat.
thank you
I also bought my first chicks recently. They were sold as Americauna, but now I know they aren't....they are so sweet and friendly and good with the other chicks and so far I am perfectly happy with the breed...my sister and I are brooding together buff orps, barred rock and the EE and they are great...ready for the coop next week woohoo!
That is very cute, I love how the little chickens have their drama it is so fun to watch.
very true. I have only one had 2 but something got 2 it..sad. cant wait till she lays. also got mine in march..is yours laying yet.?
That's sad. A bear killed most of my chickens last year. Ours haven't started yet. They should lay around six months old, earlier if they're really happy. Can't wait to see a colored egg in person!
Our EEs are around 4 months old and we expect them to lay in July or August. I'm excited to see their first colored egg!
Easter Eggers are crossbred and naturally flighty birds....get some mealworms like pidgey said..they will look foward to seeing you...~Charm1704
is there anyway that you can tell by the color of the bird what color of egg you will get?

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