
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
friendly and docile
They are well-loved for their friendly and docile temperament, making them an excellent choice for backyard flocks, especially in family settings. Easter Eggers are hardy and adaptable to different climates, particularly cold weather, thanks to their small pea combs that are less prone to frostbite
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Pros: Pretty pattern
Cute cheeks
Colorful eggs
Cons: Skittish and gets out of brooder
Mercedes is a great hen. She is a bit skittish and flies out of the brooder, but she loves to be held. Can't wait to see her colorful eggs


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Super friendly!
Pros: They love people, mine run up to me every time I walk in there
They're very cuddly, and mine really enjoy hugs
Cons: Rather loud if you don't give them attention right away
Mine tend to peck me if I don't pet them soon enough
Easter Eggers are one of the best "breeds" there are. I've had seven so far, and all of them have been super sweet. They're the first ones to greet me in the morning, and whenever I squat down, they run up to me for hugs. One of mine is blind, and she makes a LOT of noise if I go out there and don't say hi to her right away. Once I pick her up and snuggle her she quiets down instantly.

Amazing birds, five stars, would recommend!
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I feel bad that I have to give this chicken a 3-star.....
Pros: Cute fluffy cheeks, pretty eggs, small comb
Cons: Super skittish, not afraid to stand their ground
On all websites I've visited says that easter eggers are one of the sweetest chicken breeds you can get. Yes, that can be true....But all chicken's personalities vary! I can barely get close to my easter egger, she startles when I make the slightest movement. She is not afraid to stand up for herself. She will fight. She fights with a hen that is twice the size as her. On the other hand, she lays pretty eggs and her face is cute. She only has 2 friends in my entire flock, they were in the same batch. She only really hangs out with the chickens her age. She has a very weird laying time, will lay all throughout summer, and after Winter she starts back up again very early, about February.
Purchase Price
$4.00 at a local breeder
Purchase Date
March 2019
One of my very favorites!
Pros: Good layers, lay large pretty eggs, generally very healthy, cold hardy, heat tolerant, small for a standard chicken, so many colors!
Cons: They can fly high and tend to wander, can be skittish, often mislabeled
Easter Eggers are one of my very favorite chickens. I've found them to be the healthiest chickens I've raised and they live a long time. They lay lots of large and jumbo eggs and continue to lay a decent amount when they're older. Because they are mixes you never know what color you are going to get or if they'll have beards or not or what color eggs they are going to lay which is exciting to me. You can usually easily tell individuals apart too. They are on the small side for a standard chicken so they probably don't eat as much as, say, a dual purpose breed, but their size and weight allow them to fly quite well which can be a problem if you're trying to keep them within a fenced area or catch them.


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Amazingly sweet and to-be layers
Pros: Very cute
Much more weather tolerant than my silkies
Very sweet as well
Lay well in my friend's experience
Cutest chicks EVER
The muffs are too cute
Colorful eggs!!! What's not to love?
Cons: A bit smelly
Always jumping out of brooder because why wouldn't they
Easter Eggers are one of my favorite breeds, and I wanted to get them for a while. I got 3 chicks a week ago, and I absolutely love them! Very sweet and adventurous. Would recommend to a first time chicken owner.
Purchase Price
20$ for 3 chicks
Purchase Date
Jan 11, 2023


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Amazing Easter eggers
Pros: Sweet
cool colors
good layer
can find owner
attached to sister
Cons: Can b broody
can b mean to other hens
Freck and squirmie r our 2 easter eggers. Sweet they r!
EE, my take on breed
Pros: Friendly, always comes when called, funny, predator aware, cold hardy, curious. Not a bully but dislikes interruption in routine.

Beard and muffs adorable, pretty pastel eggs about 3 a week by 7 months age.
Cons: Flies with good height 6-8 ft and distances up to 40 feet (not an issue for me but may be for residential homes)
Can squawk loudly, an alarming noise for attention or when waiting for nest to open.
My EE Karen, the coop Karen. An easy to care for breed. EE are mutts. I lucked out to get one with beard AND muff AND blue egg production.
Purchase Price
$4-$6. pullet being higher. McMurray
Purchase Date
Apr 2022


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such a pretty Girl! I do like the Easter Eggers.
chicks are so cute
Pros: variaty of egg colors
very cold hardy
very heat hardy
Cons: egg laying takes a long time to begin
they have such a personality
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
A standard breed
Pros: sociable, pretty, good personality
Cons: stop laying in winter, clingy
I have kept 3 easter egger hens for the past 5 years. They have all been a pleasure to have in my flock. They all lay decently sized blue eggs. The main issue i have with this breed is that they completely stop laying in the winter time. Another issue is that they are clingy- but that doesnt bother me very much because i enjoy their attention. Others have found it annoying though. One of my EE hens may or may not have stolen a hamburger from my mother. Overall- i consider them a good breed. They dont really earn their keep with eggs but they make up for it in the personality department- if youre just keeping them as a hobby then i recommend them. i could go on and on about the antics my birds have gotten up to.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Spring 2017


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agree, great entertaining hobby bird. well said!
Pretty cool overall
Pros: Fun colored eggs, cute fluffy cheeks and beard, friendly, forager, easy care
Cons: Moody and gets annoyed at others often, flys over my gate, mutt chicken breed, vocal
I rate the easter egger 7/10. I rate it this because I own a EE and it is well behaved but it isn't friendly towards others. They are sometimes loud but are very loveable and beginner friendly.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
May 12, 2021
Pros: Friendly
Cool egg color
Interesting color varieties
Cons: Small eggs
Stop laying in cold weather
I originally bought my Easter Egger under the breed "Americauna" I have one 5 year old EE, and (probably) two 8 week old EEs, one of which is a frizzle. My older EE has always been friendly and doesn't mind being held. Although the breed is cold hardy, she hides in the coop in cold weather unlike my other chickens and stops laying early in the winter. Although I love the blue/green color, the eggs are on the small side. I they all have unique colors and muffs, and I would strongly recommend this breed.
Pros: -Interesting egg coloring
-Great egg layers
-(usually) Friendly
-Cool coloring on feathers
Cons: -Can be skittish at times
-Can get sick often and easily (in my experience)
-not a real "breed"
Easter eggers are great. I've had them since the beginning of having chickens (well actually, I started off with ameraucanas, but after breeding more and more, they eventually are classified as 'easter eggers')
They are usually friendly and have amazing personalities. Overall, a great first breed to own.
Purchase Price
chick- $3.50
Just A Silkie
Just A Silkie
I have two, a 4 year old, and a 1 year old. The 4 year old has cheek floof and a beard but my 1 year old has no beard or floof. They are both adorable and sweet!
Lovely birds
Pros: adorable little fur tufts on their cheeks (unique to some easter eggers)
come in a multitude of different colors
Cons: it is common for Easter eggers to have cross beak problems as the same problem occurs in Ameraucana’s (not that I mind. My baby is adorable whatever problem her beak may have :) )
mine is an escape artist and a little on the flighty side . . . but that's something any chicken owner deals with no matter the breed
My easter egger has a cross beak but she has such a lively adorable thing with so much personality. Every time I forget to feed her(i feed her separately from the rest of the flock so she has a chance to eat better), she jumps to the top of her coop and flies out of the enclosure, and runs up to the porch, and sits waiting for me to remember. Lovely birds would recommend 10/10. Can't wait for her to start laying blue/green/pink eggs.:love
Purchase Price
$5.00 + $50.00 for shipping
Purchase Date
April 24th 2021


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Interesting chickens.
Pros: Many different varieties (as they’re not a breed)

Quirky, I love the pattern and color variations

Lay blue, green, and sometimes pink, eggs
Cons: Not very nice to other hens (my experience)

Often mistaken as Ameraucana’s
I love all the variations of this “breed”

EE are mixes, which are bred specifically for mating colored eggs.

I love my EE Yuki, and though I’m not angry at her (who could ever be angry at chicken?) I do get very frustrated that she was sold as an Ameraucana. It also annoys me that hatchery’s sell them as “Americana’s” or some other atrocious spelling.

Ok, enough about that. Yuki is the head of the flock, so she’s not the nicest to the others, but that’s ok. Yuki lays green eggs.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
February 2019


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Pros: Good egg layer, quirky personalities, gorgeous feathers and beards
Cons: Mistaken for Ameraucanas, Araucanas, etc. Also kind of flighty.
I really like my Easter Eggers (whom I thought were Ameraucanas the first few months of their lives). They have the funniest little quirks and are super floofy. One of the two has finally started laying a pretty sage-green egg every other day and loves to announce it. (She is very loud) They both are kind of flighty and love to fly the coop. Aside from the noise and flightiness, they are some of the best (and most adorable) chickens I've owned.
Pros: Neat looking birds that lay beautiful colored eggs. Personable.
Cons: Mistaken for Araucanas and Ameraucanas.
Easter Eggers are great chickens! They are hardy, personable, neat looking, and lay beautiful blue eggs,
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
April 30, 2020
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Zara and Elke
Where did you get them? I have been looking for this breed for a while but can’t find them anywhere!:)
I got them at my local mom and pop feed store. But I have seen TSC and CountryMax both carry them too!
Pros: Great layers of beautiful eggs, beautiful, friendly and make great pets.
Cons: Often confused with Ameraucanas or "Americanas", but that's not really their fault.
I bought mine at a store as "Americanas". I later found out that they were Easter Eggers, but I have no inclination to get rid of them for not being a recognized breed. They are friendly and make me laugh a lot. The eggs I get are different shades of green and blue, more beautiful than the sky. I love my EEs, everybody should have some.
Pros: Well rounded informational piece.
Pros: Great layers; friendly birds that get along with others; colored eggs are popular
Cons: None that I can think of
As I said, Easter Eggers have become one of my favorite breeds in my flock; I definitely have more of them than any other breed. My grandkids love the colored eggs (they recognize the green and blue as "Grandma and Grandpa's" eggs). They are great layers with funny personalities.

I have one girl, "Amelia" who earned her name because she was what I call a "high flyer" who would come flying out of her coop every morning and would almost fly over our fence out of the chicken yard.

Sadly, one morning she got too rambunctious and took off before I had the door to her coop open; she'd done this before but this time she busted one of her air bladders in her chest. Folks - including our vet - recommended me "putting her out of her misery." I didn't have the heart. So we nursed her hoping on the outside chance her bladder might heal. It never did, but that hasn't slowed her. She started laying eggs again and is the last surviving member of her brood. Needless to say she is a special bird.

They aren't my friendliest breed in that I have others who love to be held, but they like to follow me around in the yard as I go about my business. More importantly, they get along with others in the flock and are good producers. As I said, they are one of my favorites.
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