

Dominique Chickens have endured a long and rich history. First developed by the Colonists, they...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Easily handled, Calm, Bears confinement well, Quiet, Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Correct Dominique barring is not quite black on not quite white, and the bars are staggered, rather than the parallel and sharply contrasting black and white barring of the Barred Rock.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Dominique also known as Dominicker or Pilgrim Fowl, originated in the USA during the colonial period. It is considered America's oldest breed of chicken, likely descending from chickens brought to New England from southern England during colonial times. By the 19th century, they were very popular and were raised in many parts of the country. Dominiques are a dual purpose breed, being valued for their table bird qualities as well as for their brown eggs. In earlier times, their feathers were much sought after as stuffing for pillows and mattresses.

After the Plymouth Rock breed was developed from the Dominiques in the 1870s, the Dominiques' popularity declined, and by the 1950 they were so rare, they were considered nearly extinct. During the 1970s, Dominiques were listed in "Critical" status with fewer than 500 breeding birds in North America. However, due to a revival of interest in them and other rare breeds, the Dominiques have made a comeback and are now listed on the "Watch" list, indicating lesser danger of extinction.

Dominique eggs

Dominique chics

Dominique juvenile

Dominique hen

Dominique rooster

To learn more about this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-dominique.1103078/

Latest reviews

Long lasting layers
Pros: Calm, good egg production
Cons: Medium eggs
I really don't have a bad thing to say about this breed because 1) they exceeded expectation as backyard layers (2) I don't have much experience with chickens.

My spouse and I got 6 chicks which all survived and thrived in the heat of Birmingham, AL. The chickens did well in a SMALL backyard with the exception of a few escapes before having their wings clipped. We enjoyed watching the chickens scratch in the yard. On days when we were home, we'd let them into the unfenced front yard and they always stayed close. They always produced plenty of eggs for us, and we frequently gave eggs away by the dozen. The girls lived and produced eggs well into their fifth year before we had to give them away.

I'd happily take them again.


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Pros: Calm, friendly, will roost on your arm, smaller comb than barred rock
Cons: Slightly smaller than barred rock
Pros: Tame, loving, kind, sweet, and pretty feather patterns
Cons: None that I can think of off the top of my head
Dominiques. They're gorgeous. Their feather pattern is white and black, making a beautiful chicken. Don't forget the chicks, though! They have little white caps on their heads until they grow in their adult feathers, and it is adorable! Everyone should get a Dominique, for eggs and beauty.
Theres not a better breed of chickens to have around if you raise chickens for meat and eggs. Their feed to egg ratio is excellent and they adore children- even the roosters!


It is sad. My little niece, she was two, loved my chickens. When I told her that they died and I only had three left she said, "Oh! The bock-bocks died? How sad! Don't worry, Daddy will buy you some more."
Sorry you had such rotten luck with your Doms. My experience with them has been the exact opposite. My girls don't lay the biggest egg in the coop, but they layed all winter without slowing down when other breeds stopped.Mine are also friendly and I have had some that were exceptional mothers.
I'm having a hard time getting used to this new site, and I just ran across your post about Dominiques. I want to add to my flock of four eventually and have been wondering what nice, friendly breed would work. The BO in my flock is the sweetest, tamest bird I've got, but perhaps a couple of Dominiques would work. Thanks for the post!
Mine were really skittish and pretty dumb, even for chickens. It is wierd the ravens only went after them not the Orps or GLW.
I had a Dominique hen once and she was sweet. I have not had any experience as you described. But I have had several roosters get very nasty after their hormones started to rage. And I do not tolerate that at all. So for me I would agree with you about rehoming any animal that causes pain or too much destruction.
It also depends on obviously the bloodlines of the Dominiques. My Dom girls were great layers. I ordered them from Cackle Hatchery in Missouri. They were the first of my mixed flock that started to lay. Sorry that you haven't had a good experience with your feed store purchased hens.
I have only had my three Dominique ladies for 6 weeks and I already have one that likes to go off by herself and just chill...the other two hate that she is gone though, and make quite a bit of noise until I put her back with them! Being new to chickens I am constantly surprised at how unique their personalities are!
As a newcomer to chickens, I was wondering about these beautiful Dominiques; thanks for the glowing recommendation. Now I just have to have a couple! Lynn
Absolutely! Joy has been super sweet and come this summer we'll be adding another to our little flock. Enjoy and all the best!
I would definently prefer you Speckled Sussex, or Silkie Bantams. 2 Chickens that if u want them 2 be tame they WILL be. Our silkies LOVE to be held and carried like a baby, and the Speckled Sussex jumps in our car 2 come with us. And when ever my grandma comes 2 visit the speckled sussex jumps in her car! She does that 2 anyone.....
We humans forget that animals don't have our level of understanding. Even though you saved her life, as far as she's concerned, you are the instrument of torture she endured for two weeks and gosh darn it you won't torture her again. She doesn't understand that now that she's no longer sick youb wont be shoving meds down her throat. It might take a while befre she trusts you again, if ever. She feels betrayed by people she thought loved her.
I have 8 hens and a roo named Fred. I have been searching for more laying hens everywhere!!!!
I just love them!
We have one Roo and 2 hens. They are so pretty. We hatched out some other chicks last week and had one purebred Dom in there too. What a cute little chick!
I like this breed. They are an active bird and very attractive with those rose combs. They can be quite talkative and are active birds that need area to range. They are decent layers and quite clannish.
If I could go back, I'd raise my review to four stars. Their incredible foraging ability - always busy on important hen business - is a real plus.
They will demand attention, pecking gently at our pants legs to attract our notice. On one occasion, an overenthusiastic Dominique poked a hole in my husband's pants leg by pecking and apparently holding on. No injuries to him or her.
Are you a 100% sure they are pure Doms. I thuoght they where supposed to have rose combs

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4.39 star(s) 66 ratings

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