
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Any and All Colors
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and Araucanas, then bred with many different breeds so they no longer fit either breed's standards. They usually have muffs and pea combs, but come in nearly every variety and color, some even have ear tufts or are rumpless. Each EE is different, but overall they are usually a smaller bird that lays pink, green, or blue eggs. They are normally friendly and calm, and their colorful eggs make them a popular choice in backyard flocks.

Easter Egger chicks

Easter Egger egg

Easter Egger rooster

Easter Egger hen

For more info on Easter Eggers and their owners' experiences, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

friendly and docile
They are well-loved for their friendly and docile temperament, making them an excellent choice for backyard flocks, especially in family settings. Easter Eggers are hardy and adaptable to different climates, particularly cold weather, thanks to their small pea combs that are less prone to frostbite
Preston Bowslaugh
Preston Bowslaugh
I love how people are coming together to grow this community
Pros: Pretty pattern
Cute cheeks
Colorful eggs
Cons: Skittish and gets out of brooder
Mercedes is a great hen. She is a bit skittish and flies out of the brooder, but she loves to be held. Can't wait to see her colorful eggs


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Super friendly!
Pros: They love people, mine run up to me every time I walk in there
They're very cuddly, and mine really enjoy hugs
Cons: Rather loud if you don't give them attention right away
Mine tend to peck me if I don't pet them soon enough
Easter Eggers are one of the best "breeds" there are. I've had seven so far, and all of them have been super sweet. They're the first ones to greet me in the morning, and whenever I squat down, they run up to me for hugs. One of mine is blind, and she makes a LOT of noise if I go out there and don't say hi to her right away. Once I pick her up and snuggle her she quiets down instantly.

Amazing birds, five stars, would recommend!
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I love the names! It reminds me of my daughter when she was little, we had 2 cats, one named Lasagna and the other Chocolate Chip. Nice picture of your EE.
I have two and it seems like it is taking forever for them to lay. All of the other chickens that I had got at the same time are laying right now, by my two girls are not. They don't even seem the least bit interested at all. (No they aren't roosters...lol) How long does it take for them to start laying?
Same for me, tinamommy727! My girl is definitely a hen and she is the same age as my barred rock who has been laying for about 2 months now. I'm trying to be patient but I want to see what color her eggs will be!
My two EE's started laying between 19.5 and 21 weeks, the same as my other four breeds. One lays a blue egg and the other a green egg!
i got three together to replace 2 rooster, OMG are they weird. You cant get close to them, they stay clustered together away from the other 6 chickens and act scared to death when of if they get separated. I was hoping they grow out of it but the way everyone talking they may not. They will be my 3 stooges,lol IM glad to hear they are good layers.
My two EEs are as different as night and day. Mary is shy and nervous, and Stella is bold, inquisitive, and very affectionate. Stella is second from top in the pecking order in my flock. Mary couldn't find her way out of the run without someone to follow. lol
I got 2 easter eggers when I purchased 15 chicks from Meyer Hatchery 2/19/13. They are my favorites, especially Esther... She is adventurous, curious, inovative, smart, (for a chicken), figures out how to get what she wants before any of the others. They both give us a beautiful blue green egg a day, and fit in well with rest of the flock. But for some reason my turkeys love to chase only Lily, my other easter egger, unmercifully. They are social and enjoy human company. Esther always helps me, in a supervisory capacity, when I make their morning mash. These are a breed I will always have in my flock.
As you can tell from my avatar I have Easter-eggers. I got some because I thought it would be cool to have the colored eggs (it is) but I am crazy about the birds themselves. I have 8 chickens, 3 of them are EEs. The others barred rocks and Orpingtons. The are all good layers but the EEs have the most personality. Would definitely recommend this breed!
They DO seem to be smart chickens! I bought mine from Murray McMurray and they are a nice size birds and have consistently been my best non-production type layers. Even at nearly five years old they lay about every 2 or 3 days.
I raise Ameraucanas, not EE's, but they can be somewhat similar. I used to have EE's and also had a hen that looked just like your picture.
That meaness usually is nothing more than establishing themselves at the top of the pecking order. If they didn't, they would likely be at the bottom, and no chicken really want's to be at the bottom. Once the pecking order is established, things tend to calm down.
I have had people comment on the calmness of my birds, but that is not always the case when you raise so many. You do get the cautious ones, the curious ones, or the flighty ones and an occassional real mean one. Good luck and enjoy your birds.
Most of my flock are heavy breeds and I felt much the same when I got my three. I only got them because my grandkids wanted "Easter eggs". They were flighty and stand offish. Now that they've all grown up and started laying they've mellowed out a lot. I give them treats - they love grape leaves and they follow me around. One hen tries to jump up and take the treats from me before I can pass them out to anyone, another has to come see eye to eye with me even if it means jumping on my shoulder. I've found that mine are very consistent layers, I get 5 eggs/wk from each of them. They have quite the personality when they get older and they've gone from "why did I get them" to being some of my favorites. Good luck and maybe in time yours will mellow out too.
Mine were I think... let's see... I got them the first of April, and they started laying mid-August. 20ish? I think it may have been quicker than that. I think that's quicker than the rest, and I only had them for a short time after they started laying. I don't think August ever laid me an egg in her 23 weeks with me.
uh oh I just inherited 12 EE Chicks. They are beautiful. I hope this is not the beginning of trouble...I have a sick husband and I don't have time to escort chickens in and out of the coop..I will keep you posted...thank you for the insight...
I just got 12 EE Chicks really tiny so I have to wait to see how they are..I just hope I can figure how to brood them altogether when they get bigger...I won't be putting them out til spring..they will be pretty big by then...ugh Any suggestions the large Wired Dog Kennel won't be big enoug
I have a Rooster, Blue Ameraucana, (don't know if that's different by far from EE's) EE's are Ameraucanas. He is wonderful, I have not a bad word to say about him. Have 2 young 5 mo old EE hens. They are not stupid, they are friendly and curious and figure out things very fast. I have a coop ramp and door, a small opening in the fence about a foot square I open to let them in the garden area when the garden in done but not dug up yet, so they can forage. The little EE's found that opening very quickly. ??? Don't know.
Don't get me wrong, I like them as well. I actually have an EE who is my favorite bird, but I breed to the Ameraucana standard and also show, so EE's are something I come across regularly that are labeled as "Pure Ameraucanas."
I agree with you. Though, the Cons aren't really a bad thing about the breed; it's the mistakes of sellers.

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