
Formex Snap Lock Coop

This is a double-walled plastic coop kit. It is shipped via FedEx, and easily assembled by one...

General Information

This is a double-walled plastic coop kit. It is shipped via FedEx, and easily assembled by one person in an hour or less. I'm planning to build a raised platform for it with wheels. It is very thoughtfully designed, with removable litter trays and nest box trays, three interior roosts, and adjustable ventilation. Room for 12-15 chickens, as long as they are using it just for sleeping. I'm going to use it as a transition for my new chicks from the brooder to the "big girl" coop. Planning to use it for this purpose year after year, unless I fall prey to the urge for a small bantam flock!

It comes in two sizes. This is the larger one, still small and easily movable. Seems very sturdy. Comes with carabiners for all the latches. The roof opens for access to the inside, and there is also a removable panel to access the litter trays. I think it's a great, simple way to house a small flock. Cheaper than any comparable wooden kit I could find, no painting or maintenance necessary beyond a power washing now and then.


Latest reviews

Too small
Pros: the material is double walled and weather proof
Cons: the design and size are terrible
I bought this for 2 hens, just 2 hens, but it was too small! The assembly was not too difficult I did it alone. I thought it looked nice on the outside but the inside seemed so cramped. and the latches are not very secure. The nesting boxes are very small even without the dividers.
OK so my hens are on the large side, english chocolate orpingtons, but even so, I only have 2. They could not get up on the roosting bar no matter which slot I moved it to. They hated it and so did I . (returned)
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
august 22
Mostly Good but Expensive
Pros: Easy to Clean
Predator proof
Cons: Space between roosting bars
I bought this in the summer of 2022. I have 6-chickens in this coop and 3 in my other. It is a nice coop, and the hens like it and have their favorite nesting boxes. It is also very easy to clean, except the bottom tray. I have mine up two feet on a solid table. In order to secure the coop, it blocks the ability to get the bottom tray out. I work around it. Also, I have two large Australorps and one cannot get up on the roosting bar if she isn't one of the first ones in because they are too close together.
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Pros: Easy to assemble, well made, easily cleaned
Cons: Price, currently 7-8 weeks to get one, need an XXL version
I ordered one to raise chicks in. Currently, it houses 15 8 week olds and they move to a big coop.
I built a stand using their plans and added the Hentronix automated door.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
May 2020
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It looks great and assembly looks very easy, BUT what about winter? Will it retain enough warmth for the chickens? I looked at the inside of it and it looks small. I wouldn't put more than 2 chickens in there myself. Here in Colorado, we have to be prepared for any kind of weather at any time. It can be 90 degrees one day and snowing the next!
It's double-walled, so I believe it will hold heat as well as or better than a wooden coop. I probably wouldn't keep more than 6 full-sized hens in it for long-term use, but it is actually quite roomy inside, with 3 roosts, each about 40" long. I'm guessing that 12 hens would actually be very warm and snug in it overnight. They would have to have outdoor access, of course. I'm in California, where we have many freezing nights, but it's never too cold for the chickens to be outside during the day. This is perfect as sleeping quarters/nest boxes. My current flock has a huge indoor coop, but they only go inside to lay eggs and roost for the night.
This is a chicken TARDIS! (For non-'Doctor Who' fans a Tardis is much bigger on the inside than it appears from the outside!) When I first saw your photo and claim for 12 or more chooks inside I was a bit skeptical, but looking at the photos on the Formex web site I have to agree that it's much roomier than it appears. The Doctor would approve ;)
Has anyone attached a run to it? I just bought this, it's all put together, but I am not sure how to add a run. I know you can put it inside a large dog kennel, I've seen that done, but it is there a way to put it outside of the run but connected so the chickens can go from the coop to the run without having to be let out manually?
I have a large Formex unit and it comfortably houses 5 hens, 1 rooster, and 3 guineas...It could easily fit 2 more just fine, but remember this is only for night time use, not for the chickens to stay in during the day...Funny thing is almost all of my chickens and the guineas try to fit on the same perch and they do so pretty well...LOL...Great unit and the tribe loves it. All we had to do is build a platform for it and ladder. One thing we did have to adjust were the perches inside. Two of three of the perches were cut short and kept falling so we made our own- this is such an easy fix- I'm not sure why Formex doesn't fix this in their design- as I've read other people having this issue too. The unit is super easy to clean and put together...predators aren't getting in this unit. We placed it inside our chicken run with enough room to walk around it for cleaning.
We also purchased the Hentronix Automatic Door opener to use with it and although there was a bit of a learning curve associated with it- Hentronix helped us tremendously to figure out the issue and it now works brilliantly!!! They provided us with exceptional customer service.
I bought one, assembled it, it was too small for my 2 choclate orpington hens. They could not even fit in the "nest boxes" or get up on the roosts there is no space to maneuver. I took it apart and returned it, got my money back!

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Coops, Runs, & Housing
Added by
Kathi D
Last update
4.29 star(s) 7 ratings

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