
Rhode Island White

While the names and place of origin are the same, the Rhode Island White is actually a...
Pros: Very sweet and loves people. Lays everyday.
My little chicken is not very smart, but she is very aware of her surroundings. One time there was a hawk in my yard that none if my chickens noticed it but her.
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Pros: Exactly what I want to know and read.
I'd like to know where these hens were purchased so that when I restock my flock I'll know where to get them. Thanks a bunch. I'm from RI so there's nothing better than to find a hen that's on the population downslide and try to give it some life and future.
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Pros: Great layers and great meat birds.
Cons: I do not have any negative things to say.
This line of Rhode Island Whites seem to be very gentle and easy going. They are great layers of mostly Ex-large, large and once in a while a medium sized egg. They are truly a dual purpose in every aspect of the word. They are a massive solid bird.

When I dressed out some cockerels at 26 weeks old they came in at an average of 5 pounds. Mine line of Rhode Island Whites are not hatchery birds and are a true Heritage breed bred to the APA Standard for Rose Comb Rhode Island Whites.

Cockerel at 7 months Pullet at 7 months

If you can find the true Rhode Island White you will love them for their great egg production, meat quality and personality.
Where did you buy your RI White Rosecombs? I'd gladly give up my seven hens (1 year old) to have a flock of these beautiful hens.
I am a breeder of Rhode Island Whites. I have had them for many years. Mine do tend to go broody more than other breeds.
Pros: Large, beige eggs almost every day. Chickens are medium sized, dont require too much feed.
Cons: Aggresive to both themselves, myself, my slikies; do not show signs of intelligence. Scream& screech loudly morning, noon, & night.
My hens are extremely aggressive. They claim certain spots and attack any chickens who enter that spot, whether its the rooster, a silky, myself, or another RIW. Do tend to eat eggs if they aren't laid in the nesting box. When I feed them, I have to put the feed in several different spots, otherwise my RIW wont let the silkies or rooster eat. They claim the highest perch, forcing my silkies to be lower down, in the reach of predators. Kick dung and mud around a lot, at other chickens and into water dish.

They do tend to go broody, often. Great egg producers, although one of them lays a double yoke every other egg. The RIW themselves are a close bunch, even if some of them do attack each other. If a predator attacked, they`d be more than able to defend themselves. They scream or screech whenever they see another animal, whether its myself, a squirrel, my dog, or a bird flying above. However annoying, this proves to alert the other chickens to danger if the animal poses a threat.

Over all, they are an okay bird, though I do NOT recommend them to beginners.
Pros: Sweet , good egg layers , look like doves
Cons: None
These were one of our first, she looked like a dove and so we named her dove. They are good , easy to raise , good egg layers and nice chickens
Pros: beautiful orange eggs, jumbo eggs, friendly, easily tamed,
Cons: sometimes bossy
they dont seem to get along well with others but of the same breed they are perfect. mine follows me like dogs. and even squats for me. i love love love them and hope to get more in the future. lookin for me a roo.
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My 2 girls are lovely and lay every day nice big eggs - i love the breed
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