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  1. kabuky

    Possible quail chick abandoned—Please help!

    I have an extrodinary friend who raised a lone quail to be part of his animal gang. Amazing guy who has dogs that love the company of all other beings - the quail slept with the dogs, cats, etc. and would take its turn with all the other beasts in the household to get treats, etc, from the...
  2. kabuky

    Quail aviary friends

    Canaries??? Not interactive but sure sing pretty!
  3. kabuky

    Quail aviary friends

    Maybe you can put in a taller water feature or have it up on a platform/stump that new chicks cannot get to. OR just not run the water feature when you have new chicks!
  4. kabuky

    My broody quail hatched baby quails, now what? Help please.

    I have found some hens are wonderful brooders; others fail at motherhood (kinda like humans). I have my mountain quail eggs under 2 broody chickens. I stupidly thought I should put one egg in the incubator as it was day 22; it died in the incubator and didn't hatch (it was SO CLOSE). So now I...
  5. kabuky

    Quail broody's

    Awesome!!! Thank You for the information and help!! My set up isn't quite this nice (I had rats kill two hens so my pair are in small quarters right now). Just got to get off my butt and fix it. (i've been told anytime one has chickens to expect rats and that had been the truth at my place...
  6. kabuky

    Brinsea Ovation 56 EX five-year review

    I had one of the first Brinsea - a horrid machine which, at the time, was still owned by an English gent. I have a newer one and also find issues with the small screws but mine was having issues with humidity and the plastic tube it uses to feed moisture to the machine. I tried replacing the...
  7. kabuky

    Review by 'kabuky' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    Such a good article!! Thank you!!!
  8. kabuky

    Quail broody's

    What type of environment do you have your quail in?? It must be an awesome aviary or pen. Any pictures of your set up??
  9. kabuky

    Broody California Valley Quail and her Chicks.

    How are your valley chicks doing?? I hope very well. What an awesome hen you have!!
  10. kabuky

    I’m thinking of getting a pet chick quail!

    I have had mountain quail in my house (Yes, more than one as they are very social). My male mountain actually used to sing to me - we had quite the conversations! He was SUCH a delight! A friend also had a single hatch quail that lived 5 years as a house pet, complete with "friends" (dogs...
  11. kabuky

    Mountain Quail Chick Care Guide

    Just thinking: Do you think baby bantams (maybe a week older) would also teach them? I have also read about the hand feeding but never have had to (yet).
  12. kabuky

    Other mountain quail breeders?

    I have until a week ago (my dogs set mine free). Wonderful birds! I had one I raised in the house that sang to me "Caruso". SO fun! I am currently looking again for breeders.
  13. kabuky

    Comment by 'kabuky' in article 'A UFO Chicken Spaceship Coop that is Out of This World'

    OMG - SOOOO creative! AND reused articles. Genius! So appreciated this over cast rainy day (Seattle). Can't say enough....
  14. kabuky

    Can you potty train Quail?

    No nappy. He was a single chick hatched from an egg; none of the other eggs hatched. SO they hand fed him, kept him warm, etc. They have an amazing bunch of animals - dogs that snuggle chicks, etc.
  15. kabuky

    Naked chicks from Buff Orpingtons

    Not that I have read. The thread clearly states that 1-2% of human population have these genes, not the number of genes the population has. It is theorized this is because only a few interbreedings of the two "species" took place. I know they have found one ancient skeleton of a female with...
  16. kabuky

    Can you potty train Quail?

    I have a friend who had an indoor quail for 5 years that was extremely tame. He was part of their household and acted like a pet. He snuggled up with them, ate from their hands, and was considered part of their pack. "Woodstock" would jump onto their shoulders where he would stay as they...
  17. kabuky

    Keeping California quail in groups

    DO you happen to know what sexes the trio are? 2 females; 1 male?
  18. kabuky

    Naked chicks from Buff Orpingtons

    I found these articles: 1) ancient-dna-and-neanderthals 2) What does it mean to have Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA? Several direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies report how much DNA a person has inherited from prehistoric humans, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans. This information...
  19. kabuky

    You sound like a researcher (like me). Do you have any articles/books you might point me...

    You sound like a researcher (like me). Do you have any articles/books you might point me towards with more of this DNA info (specifically human dna)?
  20. kabuky

    Naked chicks from Buff Orpingtons

    Actually no. Only 2% of the human population has Neanderthal DNA. Modern man and Neanderthals actually developed from a common ancestor of the two groups and are/were subspecies of each other. Modern man developed separately from the Neanderthal and migrated to Europe later. A few of the two...
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