Quail aviary friends


Oct 12, 2023
Florida, USA
The Husband and I will be moving in the next few months and we've been discussing what will happen to our 20-30ish quail. We're planning on keeping them - I'm rather attached to about a dozen birds out of the covey - but we're thinking either constructing another cage vs an aviary. A cage is probably more practical, but I really enjoy the idea that a few of our older hens might get to brood and raise chicks, the whole covey will get to experience the ground, and I'll probably really enjoy sitting out in an aviary with the Husband and watching the birds get up to nonsense.

So...what the heck else can I reasonably keep??? We're on the Georgia/South Carolina border, so the winters are fairly mild with usually about a week or so of under 30F weather. The enclosure will have to be quail-safe, and of course, the other inhabitants will need to tolerate quail well.

I'm thinking pigeons. Maybe starlings? I've seen a few people posting about chick-napping these invasive birds and keeping them as pets. I'm not inclined towards parrots, but perhaps someone can change my mind.

In short: What birds would you keep with Coturnix quail in an aviary, knowing that it is in a temperate area, assuming we're willing to construct an appropriate aviary?
Finches are nice. There was a guy not far from my old place who kept button quail and finches in an aviary that took up most of his back yard. He made a small running stream in there and everything.
Ooo. I considered finches, but I'm just not as excited about birds I can't really interact with. I might go back through and see if there's maybe a larger or more sociable (with humans) species. We had considered setting up a water feature, but it's been sort of difficult to plan since I'd like to have the hens brood out some chicks - and we all know how much quail chicks love to drown.
i was considering the same thing! pigeons are not safe to house with quail bc theyre strong and defensive. i believe diamond doves and finches are the primary birds that can be housed with quail. @Johanna Lee can give you more info!
Ooo. I considered finches, but I'm just not as excited about birds I can't really interact with. I might go back through and see if there's maybe a larger or more sociable (with humans) species. We had considered setting up a water feature, but it's been sort of difficult to plan since I'd like to have the hens brood out some chicks - and we all know how much quail chicks love to drown.

Cockatiels are very interactive, and are very gentle. They'll pretty much ignore quail.

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