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  1. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    The Art of Chill It's been a while since I last posted here, mostly because the weather was gross and cold and taking pictures of board games during a winter sleet storm isn't something I'm keen to scratch off my bucket list. Then, when Spring decided she'd come in and gussy up the place a bit...
  2. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Thanos Rising You know how sometimes you feel you need a little "splash" in your life? My splashy Easter egger girls get that feeling sometimes, which is why they're splashing a little paint your way with this week's featured game, Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game! The Art of Chill is about...
  3. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Lords of Vegas Be forewarned: this post depicts containment devices that may be disturbing to goosey readers. Everyone, meet the White Bucket of DOOOOOOM. The White Bucket of DOOOOOOM is, apparently, the bane of all goosekind, and must be stopped by any means possible. Roughly half the...
  4. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    ...- in board games, that is! The only thing missing from this version of Las Vegas is the grime, repulsiveness, and feelings of shame and despair.* I truly believe this game should be right up there in terms of popularity with Catan since it's every bit as fun, easy to learn, and...
  5. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Betrayal Wow. After last month's flurry of board games I almost forgot to post anything this month. We've been busy winterizing coops, putting up fence, and getting used to the idea of having to wear jackets and shoes outside again. And would you believe with all this going on, Katya decided it...
  6. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Horrified Happy Halloween! In honor of today, my favorite hen, Bow, will be presenting my spookiest, Halloweeniest, most Octobery board game I own . . . Oh no! Help! A predator has Bow by the back of the neck! Oh wait, false alarm. It's just Betrayal Legacy. Betrayal is the definition of...
  7. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Broom Service Ack! I'm running out of time for my last two Halloweeny games! I had to take a break from my poultry's pumpkin party in order to get today's game pictures. It's okay, though. The geese were monopolizing the pumpkins with their ritualistic little pumpkin-worshipping drum circle. If...
  8. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Dead Panic How did this happen? There's only three days left until Halloween! Forget broomsticks, it's time that flies. I better get cacklin' on showcasing my last three games. Here's Elise and Cinder, presenting Broom Service! This game bewitched me with how absolutely adorable it is. I...
  9. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Click here for more zombie fun As we shuffle onwards towards Halloween, it's time to show off my next spine-chilling game. Hold on to your brains as Rumplestiltskin presents my last zombie themed game, Dead Panic! I know, I know, you can't see the game from behind Rump's majestic rump, but...
  10. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    How did I miss this? And it's a deckbuilder! I love deckbuilders. When did y'all get the idea to create your own game? Did you always know you were going to get it published, or was it just a fun project to do together at first? It looks great.
  11. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Knowledge is power, especially when boning up on ways to survive a world teeming with zombies. You watch; Faustus' newfound mushroom savvy will save us all!
  12. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Brains . . . brains . . . Er, what? Okay, sorry. A certain little squirrel is demanding I add some squirrel-friendly options. So, brains . . . and watermelon . . . and Dead of Winter! Brains and watermelon are both pink and squishy, so it stands to reason they're equally terrifying. Whoa...
  13. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Quacks There are few things more terrifying than a zombie apocalypse - except, of course, rabbits. And cold weather. I hate cold weather. So, here to present a chillingly terrifying game is the rabbit horde with Dead of Winter! Save us from the rabbits, Sparky! In Dead of Winter you're...
  14. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Murder of Crows What's October without a nice cauldron or two? Whether filled with mulled apple cider, Adder's fork, or blind-worm's sting, a bubbling cauldron is a nice cozy staple of October imagery. But be careful what you add to your boiling brew, lest it bubble over and leaves your...
  15. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    There's murder in the air - a Murder of Crows! In Murder of Crows you're trying to be the first person to manage to spell out the word murder while also strategically playing cards to block the other players from spelling out Murder. Once you spell out murder, your cards will have a fun...
  16. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Unmatched Today's terrifying tabletop game is Arcadia Quest, with its Beyond the Grave Expansion! And also, confession time: I purchased Arcadia Quest right before moving here, away from my weekly gaming buddies. So, er, I've never actually played it. But I'm sure it's fun! You know who else...
  17. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Here to present the next spooktacular board game is Nattie, with Unmatched! Unmatched is like Funkoverse in that it's a battle on a board, but instead of using dice for combat, Unmatched uses cards. Each character comes with its own unique abilities and attacks you can use to drive your...
  18. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Trekking the National Parks IT'S OCTOBER! The most wonderful, magical, splendiforous time of the year! For October I'm going to try to cram in as many spooky themed board games as I've got into my posts this month. In all honesty I'm more a fan of the cutesy aspects of Halloween, like the type...
  19. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Forbidden Island You know what hobby I love as much as tabletop gaming? Camping and hiking! America boasts some wonderful parks, and you'll enjoy visiting some of them in Trekking the National Parks! Winger and Britta, contemplating a board game date night. In this game you're taking actions...
  20. fowltemptress

    Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games

    Caverna It's been raining for a few days here, so the creek bottoms will be flooded. In preparation for that, it's time to take a look at Forbidden Island! I've already mentioned a game called Pandemic and how much I hate it in a previous post. There must be some merit in it, however, since...
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