Fowltemptress' Poultry Presents: Board Games



Frugal Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Edited to add, I've decided to add some fun to this thread and occasionally feature a game! I'm not going to pick a specific day - I'm too scatterbrained to stick to one - but I'll try to post at least once a week. Well, that is until I run out of games! These will all be from my personal games shelf, and the models showcasing the games will all be close, personal friends of mine. 😉 The first featured game can be found here, or on page 3 of this thread.

Anyone else enjoy board games? I moved away from an area where many people played board games as a hobby. I still play games with my husband, but sometimes I miss the weekly large gatherings for game nights we used to have. I've never met another board gamer who was also a poultry lover though, and I'm curious to see if more of that combination exists, and what sorts of tabletop games my fellow feather fans enjoy. My personal favorite game is Caverna. I love building up my own personal farm and putting cool little rooms in my cave/home. I'd love to hear of other folks' favorites.

Speaking of the worlds of poultry and board games colliding, I recently stumbled across a game that will be coming to Kickstarter soon. I loathe Kickstarter and promised to never back anything on it, but how can I be expected to resist this? The art alone is adorable enough to make me want it! I've been wishing for a decent chicken themed game for ages now, and this one's giving me high hopes. Anyone else maybe know of other poultry themed tabletop games I haven't heard of?
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Maybe you can post to your state thread and see if folks are close enough to you that you could meet in the middle to have a gathering? I guess it depends on how big your state is, but it might be worth a shot.

Here is the link to the state threads in case you need it.

That game does look great! I can't think of any other games, but I'll write if I find any.
That looks like a fun game, I love those punny names! Always ready to play board or card games but rarely have the opportunity now except at family get togethers. Gonna send that link to my son, hint hint. 😁

Haven't heard of any other poultry themed games though.
Maybe you can post to your state thread and see if folks are close enough to you that you could meet in the middle to have a gathering? I guess it depends on how big your state is, but it might be worth a shot.

Here is the link to the state threads in case you need it.
Thanks, but the main point I was going for with this thread was for folks to chime in with games that they enjoy and whatnot if they wanted to. I thought it was neat when I noticed the gamers thread, and I was ready to leave a comment until I realized they meant a different type of gamer!
Anyone else enjoy board games? I moved away from an area where many people played board games as a hobby. I still play games with my husband, but sometimes I miss the weekly large gatherings for game nights we used to have. I've never met another board gamer who was also a poultry lover though, and I'm curious to see if more of that combination exists, and what sorts of tabletop games my fellow feather fans enjoy. My personal favorite game is Caverna. I love building up my own personal farm and putting cool little rooms in my cave/home. I'd love to hear of other folks' favorites.

Speaking of the worlds of poultry and board games colliding, I recently stumbled across a game that will be coming to Kickstarter soon. I loathe Kickstarter and promised to never back anything on it, but how can I be expected to resist this? The art alone is adorable enough to make me want it! I've been wishing for a decent chicken themed game for ages now, and this one's giving me high hopes. Anyone else maybe know of other poultry themed tabletop games I haven't heard of?
Theme is unrelated to poultry, but we love to play Catan! You can trade sheep, but not chickens.
Anyone else enjoy board games? I moved away from an area where many people played board games as a hobby. I still play games with my husband, but sometimes I miss the weekly large gatherings for game nights we used to have. I've never met another board gamer who was also a poultry lover though, and I'm curious to see if more of that combination exists, and what sorts of tabletop games my fellow feather fans enjoy. My personal favorite game is Caverna. I love building up my own personal farm and putting cool little rooms in my cave/home. I'd love to hear of other folks' favorites.

Speaking of the worlds of poultry and board games colliding, I recently stumbled across a game that will be coming to Kickstarter soon. I loathe Kickstarter and promised to never back anything on it, but how can I be expected to resist this? The art alone is adorable enough to make me want it! I've been wishing for a decent chicken themed game for ages now, and this one's giving me high hopes. Anyone else maybe know of other poultry themed tabletop games I haven't heard of?
Wingspan is pretty good game about birds.
My favorite is
Scythe and then some military/ Viking board games atm.

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