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  1. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ancona genetics question

    I'm not entirely sure what the genotype of fawn and white runners is, but I think it has at least 1 blue gene and chocolate. If so, you'd probably end up with blue pied and lavender pied ducklings. If fawn/whites have only 1 blue gene instead of 2 (someone else might know), you could get black...
  2. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    New ducks… possibly were abused

    As far as their wings go, it looks from the picture like they might be going through a hard molt. My Ancona drake currently has no wings like that. He always loses all his feathers at once, while others molt more gradually. Once you get closer to them you should be able to see if there is new...
  3. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ancona questions

    Here's a good article about the gene: "If you desire to work on a crested duck program, but do not want to encounter the lethal gene death percentage, you can get around it by not using all crested parent birds. You will end up...
  4. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ancona questions

    Oh, they're lovely! Crested does pop up in Anconas and it isn't a "standard" Ancona trait, but Anconas don't actually have a true standard. I know some breeders breed their crested separately from non-crested since the crested gene is recessive and can be lethal, so that allows those who like...
  5. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Phallus prolapse in drake

    Yes, he's in with the bachelors now.
  6. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Phallus prolapse in drake

    I pushed it back in three times, but this morning it had stayed and so far, so good. He seems to be feeling well and is eating and drinking. I'm so glad because I have to go out of town for a couple days tomorrow.
  7. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Phallus prolapse in drake

    Okay, I'll try that. Thank you. Even if he recovers fully, will I need to keep him away from the hens for good or can he go back with his girls?
  8. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Phallus prolapse in drake

    Thank you! For some reason I was thinking that wasn't possible and the only treatment I'd found was amputation :oops:. How often does it stay in? It wasn't easy and it doesn't seem to be very secure.
  9. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Phallus prolapse in drake

    My drake Oswald has been prolapsed for a couple of days. I tried separating him from the girls and giving him some swims, but no success. I can't take him to a vet but I can amputate if I need to. It doesn't look like any tissue has died yet so should I wait, or just amputate now? And if I do...
  10. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Mule or Ancona?

    She doesn't look like a mule to me from that picture. Maybe she has the genes for size from a grandparent. There's so much variety in the traits Ancona breeders select for and the markings they allow, so magpie markings aren't uncommon in Anconas.
  11. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ancona duckling with white down not yellow

    I had an Ancona duckling hatch with pale down several weeks ago. It wasn't pure white but it was lighter than yellow. It was an assisted hatch and didn't live more than a day or two. I don't know if the lack of color is related to the early death but I might try to look into it.
  12. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ancona Color Genetics

    I agree, he's cool! I wouldn't personally breed him as a pure Ancona, though maybe in a separate flock as a project. I don't follow the proposed standard and I do love rare and unusual too, but I'm a little more cautious about traits like this because I can see the breed changing completely if...
  13. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Hatching Fowl Photo Contest

    Not to rush anyone, but I'm curious if this contest is still being judged?
  14. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Rehoming needed in NC ASAP

    Beautiful flocks ❤️. Which part of NC are you in?
  15. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Cleaning dried membrane from newborn duckling

    Thanks! I think I'll try warm water and a cloth.
  16. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Cleaning dried membrane from newborn duckling

    This duckling had a difficult, sticky hatch and is covered in dried membrane. It can't even move one of its wings or fully open its eye. Do you think washing it in warm water would be too much of a risk that it would take chill? If so, how else might I clean it up a little? It's still in the...
  17. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ancona genetics question

    Adorable! So your drake does carry chocolate!
  18. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Duck Egg Hatching Help ASAP

    The egg does not look ready to hatch at all; definitely not pipping. I would guess it's somewhere around day 16-18. It looks healthy, so just get the humidity down (I do 50-55% with daily misting) and wait it out :).
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