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  1. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    ...I think), so I gave her 8 eggs this morning. Mixed hatch -- some Marans crosses, a California White egg, and some of the random light brown ones that are *mostly* from the Australorps. Last hatch with Ludwig as a possible father. I'm not going to incubate again until at least early September.
  2. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    By the time they're dry they've moved around so much in the incubator that I have no idea what egg they came out of.
  3. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I've seen pictures of divider boxes made from plastic needlepoint canvas -- boxes with lids. I'd be terrified of chicks getting tangled in bags.
  4. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Don't. Assisting is for emergencies. They're stronger and healthier hatching on their own.
  5. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have never had any silkies so I have no idea how they compare. The Cochin is loosely-feathered and fluffy. Before AC was widely available I personally always had an easier time with the heat if it cooled off at night. Hot days plus hot nights would quickly wear me down.
  6. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have to remember that my normal summer weather is 95F and often comes with 95% humidity. :(
  7. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    We have one cochin, my son's pet hen. She's very pretty, but I worry about her in this heat.
  8. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    *nods* And we should learn from others' mistakes so that we can make new, original mistakes to learn from.
  9. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I always take my boots off and go barefoot into the brooder. Or, it's it too cold for that, I wear my lightest shoes. I'm terrified of the possibility of stepping on a chick.
  10. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have one Dominique. She's got an excellent temperament.
  11. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

  12. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I don't know how anyone manages to convince chickens -- of any age -- to stay put in one place long enough to get a good photo.
  13. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Doing it in town probably wouldn't work like leaving them in my back acre of woods does. I leave them far enough down the hill to not attract predators near my coop.
  14. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    It seems to be a little easier to see the embryos in the plastic bag, but I do my eggtopsies in a section of the woods behind the house that I've started mentally calling "the graveyard of lost chicks." By giving the quitters and DIS chicks to the wild animals I feel that they're not entirely...
  15. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Yes. Ludwig is too nice a rooster to put into the crockpot, but I'm thinking about how to separate him and some of my older hens that I intend to cull when they molt until I can sell him.
  16. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I've gotten lots and lots of blues -- though not as many this hatch.
  17. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    ...(for sale). The majority of my females are Blue Australorps and I made a point for this hatch of collecting only Australorp eggs -- though I *could* have gotten a Cochin egg since hers are the same color brown -- though usually smaller. And either the Langshan was mating with at least one of...
  18. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I probably won't hatch again until September unless I can convince one of my broodies to graft to the maternity ward nest. But I'll see.
  19. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Random chance. I *should* be getting mostly blues with equal parts of splash and black from my Australorps (plus a slight tilt to black due to Ludwig, but Rameses gets most of the action). I haven't gotten a splash yet.
  20. 3KillerBs

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I've uploaded a bunch of chick pictures here:
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