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  1. ThreeOfSeven

    Saddle Questions

    One of my hens has been having a horrible time with another dominant hen. The dominant hen mounts her, and the result is that all of the other chicken's saddle feathers have been stripped away. I moved the dominant hen into another coop for evenings, but I'm not able to separate them during the...
  2. ThreeOfSeven


    My hens use to free range in my yard. Then last year, the hawks (red tail hawks and smaller ones too) discovered them, and I lost 2 hens. They now spend their days in a chain of two covered outside pens and a large open outside pen (that has netting overhead). I miss having birds in my backyard...
  3. ThreeOfSeven

    Duck Logic

    Speaks for itself.
  4. ThreeOfSeven

    Hen Pecked Hen

    This poor girl is obviously the low hen in the pecking order, as you can see in the pictures. Only occasionally have I caught one of my Black Australorps jump on her back like a rooster. I thought, maybe, it had stopped, but just tonight I caught the BA at it again. So, here are my questions...
  5. ThreeOfSeven

    DIY Dishwasher Detergent

    Anyone have a recipe for DIY dishwasher detergent? Thanks!
  6. ThreeOfSeven

    Cost of a Dozen

    This will knock your socks off! I was getting my haircut today, and my hairdresser, who knows I have chickens, told me that she went to a nearby farmers' market. She said that local farm eggs were priced at ... drumroll, please .... $10 a dozen! Egad! Okay, so I'm a couple hours outside NYC...
  7. ThreeOfSeven

    Cuddle a Duck

    Hope this works. It's an embed from Twitter. If not, I'll get a screen capture, but it won't have the video. (EDIT -- SEE POST BELOW) <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When the world seems close to pear shaped, <br>When leaders fill you with despair<br>When things look...
  8. ThreeOfSeven

    How Talented Are Raccoons?

    How talented are raccoons with coop latches? Years ago (BC -- before chickens), we had raccoons raiding our bird feeders. Then they disappeared without us really doing anything to repel them. But now, they're back. I'm bringing the bird feeders into the house at night and making sure there is...
  9. ThreeOfSeven

    Luffa Gourd Plant

    On a whim last winter, I decided to plant a luffa gourd plant in the spring. Got my seeds, and started them early. They finally went into the ground, about 7 seedlings, and I've been watching them all summer. It went HUGE! Here's a pic of them climbing halfway up a big tree. Sadly, plenty of...
  10. ThreeOfSeven

    Wild Turkey is My Hero For The Day

    This beautiful wild turkey is my hero for the day! She sometimes hangs out in my backyard with the dogs and chickens. She even comes when I call. Tonight, she was in the yard and my 2 hens were outside with her. It was getting late, time to put the girls into the coop for the night, but they...
  11. ThreeOfSeven

    Rat Trap

    Has anyone tried one of these rat traps? I set it up a while back, but it was out in the open, and the squirrels had their way with it. Now it's in the large chicken run that is fenced all around and overhead. Squirrels can't get in. Hoping to find some angry rats in it tomorrow morning.
  12. ThreeOfSeven

    Chick Tetherball

    Here are my 6-week old chicks playing tetherball (tetherapple). I can watch them for hours. It's like chick-meditation, and all my chores fall to the wayside. :love
  13. ThreeOfSeven

    Wood Ducklings at 3 Weeks

    Here's a new video of the ducklings at 3 weeks. They're finally out of the brooding box and in a new enclosure. Their space is 4' x 12', and they're sharing space with my 9 chicks. The whole space is an add-on for my expanding flock, and this space is set aside temporarily for the ducklings...
  14. ThreeOfSeven

    Wood Ducklings, New Video

    The babies graduated to a bigger, almost grown-up pool today, and they loved it! I had them out for about 5-6 hours, and I think they spent the whole day swimming and eating. They've grown quite a bit. (I previously posted on the "Ducks" board, but I think these guys are more appropriate here.)
  15. ThreeOfSeven

    Snoozing Chick

    Saw this little beauty last night resting her head on the baby-roost. She's a one-week old EE. Overhead light is red (heat lamp), so it was easier to see in black and white.
  16. ThreeOfSeven

    Food Waste, Messy Chicks

    Any suggestions to avoid this food waste? This is what I found this morning. The mason jar was filled yesterday with chick starter, and I have 9 messy eating monsters (1 week old). I told them about proper eating etiquette and that they shouldn't waste food. They don't listen to me. For...
  17. ThreeOfSeven

    Baby Wood Ducks, Feeding Questions & Videos

    My orphaned babies are not quite 2 weeks old. (Two videos below!) They are wild Wood Ducks that will be released in mid to late August (as soon as they can fly) at a local, very large wildlife preserve near fresh water and other Wood Ducks (2,000+ acres). I know that I will soon need to make...
  18. ThreeOfSeven

    Chick Eating Disorder?

    Here's a video of one of my chicks. Watch the little yellow chick with the stripe down her head and back. The weird behavior is this: Seems to raise her head when eating (beginning of video) Tries to pick food from the beaks of the other chicks She does a little eating in this video. I've...
  19. ThreeOfSeven

    Chick with Attitude

    This little Buff Orpington has been with us for about 24 hours, and she already has attitude!
  20. ThreeOfSeven

    Lucky Yogurt Face

    This is Lucky. She is the sole survivor of a predator attack, then adopted by me so she could have hen-pals. Lucky loves yogurt.
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