I have tiny Bantum chicks. Parents are actually only 5 months old and probably less than 1 lb. Chicks are tiny. I can't feel that they are filling their crop. I've been hand feeding them. Chick food seems too coarse for their little beaks. I been hand feeding moistened chick feed. how do you...
I have mostly gold Deathlayers but I have one silver East Frisian gull hen. But she only produces silver pullets because I have only gold Deathlayer roosters. I can usually tell her chicks because they are a different color at hatch. They turn a kinda dirty silver color that I don’t like . So...
I have a problem with Mariks disease after I purchased 12 week old deathlayer pullets. Almost a year later I am still loosing some unvaccinated birds and I lost one vaccinated bird. So I vaccinated my whole flock at home. I boosterd already vaccinated birds, Unvaccinated birds that have been...
I purchased the 4 birds in the crate as 4 month old Pullets. My cockerel is the bigger bird.I raised him from a day old chick. He is from Greenfire hatchery. The smaller birds came from a breeder in Kanas via USPS. They where supposed to be express overnight. It took 4 days to get to my...
I got 2 chicks from greenfire and the both turned out to be gold death layer cockerels. They are too expensive to try again. I local breeder had Campines and will sell me young hens at a reasonable price. They are nice hens. What do people think would be the pros and cons.
Her are more pics of my mystery poult and his sibling a parent birds. Can anyone tell me his color( first 4 pics). Tom is the royal palm( he has a lot of color in his tail) in the pictures. Mom is a self blue. The slate poult( pic #5) is an older sibling.
Mom is self blue , dad is royal palm. Her other poults look blue slate. Turkey calculator says they should be mottled blue slate but this one looks different. the poult in question is the smaller one. Larger bird is a slate sibling .
I wanted to cross my EE egger splash hens with my Easter egger barred rock Roo. They escaped and where exposed to my other Colombian colored EE rooster( happens to be the barred roosters father.) who fathered this chick and is it a blue barred chick?
Sold to me as royal palm but after molt he always has this orange band and a little rust on his wings tip feathers. what color is He. The Narragansett poult in the background is his crossed with the bronze hen. his tail also looks like there is some penciling.